Ok lets see if the videos will show up now.


Senior Member
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMRtiT6HXlk <----------click here to watch warmoth KWS in action.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgXTKv66lXs <----------here as well

Tried to use the "Embed" code, didn't work for some reason.
ok for the tube, click upload, name it and describe it, tag it, select a category, click upload a vid, click browse, and find your vid, then upload, and after its done, it will give you a code to embed it on other sites, this i've never done before. but i guess you copy it and paste it

and thats how to upload on the tube.
good luck. 
GearBoxTy said:
You could also just give us your myspace URL, can't have too many friends, right?

Mine is http://www.myspace.com/rockstarwilly



Hey y'all if you want to check out my warmoth in action check my myspace page. It's technical deathmetal I'm playing which might not be everyone's cup of tea. So if you have nothing nice to say. Say nothing at all. But this video shows the ease of playablity of the warmoth neck for sure. Nicest playing neck I ever laid my hands on.
Well, I'm definitely in the "old fogey", not into "death metal" category, but are you SURE you're not really a Stanley Clarke class bass player trapped by peer pressure inro that?
Well, there ARE another three strings on a guitar...Don't get me wrong at all, not putting you down in any way, but if you have fingers that long with that kind of dexterity you should be playing bass check out Stanley Clarke; only downside to be a world class fusion jazz bass player is that you'll make more money and the groupies have less tats, can you live with that?
"Another three strings on a guitar?"  I'm just trying to think of how many basses I've seen with three strings.  :)
Watch the video; I think the only time he ever even hits the G string is on a chordl you;re missing the point...
I'm still gonna chuckle myself to sleep thinking about the three string bass.  :)

Anyway, it's ballsy to put yourself out there like that, and I'm not going to criticize his music/technique.  Of course, it's not my "cup of tea" either.  For those who want to check out my stuff (I don't have a Warmoth yet):
I'd like to see/hear you without the backing track. My favorite "check out my warmoth" videos are usually just a guy semi-awkwardly but lovingly talking about his guitar, then just kinda playing some stuff.

Speaking of which, unfortunately, are any of us not male?
  Hey man,  I am a record geek of the most serious kind.  I find things to love in alllll music.  I am no stranger to the extreme metal, just as I am no stranger to Miles Davis and Robert Johnson.  Whether this is anyone's "cup'o'tea" or not, this kind of music takes an insane amount of practice and dedication, and if it is what you are into, hell, go for it with the utmost gusto.  I love the simplicity of your Warmoth build and it seems to serve your purpose to the N'th degree.  Keep scaring the neighbors as far as I'm concerned!!!
Only one I've noticed is JK; she's doing a build for her son; her profile pic looks suspiciously like one of Grace Slick ca. 1976....
Oh yeah, don't go trolling for chicks here.  Women don't obssess over the same things as guitar geeks.  I mean my wife, who by the way is no girly girl, has a bass and can actually play the thing, but she could give two shits about what wood the body is made of, or what kind of bridge it has.  I know there may be one or two women here and they may take exception to what I say, but i think if everything were out in the open you would find that the vast majority of the guys here are in fact,  well GUYS.
Sad(?) but true isn't it? My girlfriend is usually willing to listen while I explain woods and construction methods and wiring etc. But I think it kinda goes in one ear and out the other.  :doh:
jackthehack said:
Well, there ARE another three strings on a guitar...Don't get me wrong at all, not putting you down in any way, but if you have fingers that long with that kind of dexterity you should be playing bass check out Stanley Clarke; only downside to be a world class fusion jazz bass player is that you'll make more money and the groupies have less tats, can you live with that?

Do play bass aswell. I have a fretless. I play finger style. No pick. I'm a big Les Claypool, Michael Manring, and, Jaco Pastorius fan. Your right I'm not hitting to many strings on that thing, but thats how the song goes.
nathan a said:
Sad(?) but true isn't it? My girlfriend is usually willing to listen while I explain woods and construction methods and wiring etc. But I think it kinda goes in one ear and out the other.  :doh:

LOL funny how that works, Women want you to listen to them and understand and all that, but if you try to talk to them in our language, or whatever "Mans" hobby you might have, in one ear and out the other.

nathan a you nailed it
nathan a said:
I'd like to see/hear you without the backing track. My favorite "check out my warmoth" videos are usually just a guy semi-awkwardly but lovingly talking about his guitar, then just kinda playing some stuff.

Speaking of which, unfortunately, are any of us not male?

If you want to check my myspace page again I'll have that player over on the left with the original version of the song. Then check mine. The guitar in the original is hard to make out and is low in the mix.
If anyone wants to check out the band I'm in http://www.myspace.com/inheritdisease

The songs on the page are of their old guitarists playing. There are two videos below that i'm in. These videos where taking right at the time I was able to play the songs some what clean. They are played on my squire 7 string. This was before I set my warmoth up in B standard. I just got back from tour up in canada a few weeks ago, we have video of those shows which still need to be uploaded to youtube. I used my warmoth on the whole tour. Do you have any idea what it feels like to be touring with a guitar you built? It's awesome. Of couse a lot of people asked if it was a Kramer :doh:
hey, every one i talk to thinks im crazy until they see what im talking a about in action, then im crazy like a fox, hence the tag line: Stupid like a Fox.