

who should win??

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Gonna be tough to decide this month... nobody's put up anything I'd call ordinary.

it could just be me, but I think this month is gonna be easy to decide, as opposed to previous months... :icon_biggrin:
I guess I'll have to join the fun as well... tough month indeed.

Specs over here:

Some very sweet builds so far, I'm torn between 3 already... :doh:

Some of ya'll should be ashamed tho, some beautiful custom guitars and basses with just plane 'ol blank neck plates... :laughing7:
I'll nominate mine again:


DangerousR6 said:
Some very sweet builds so far, I'm torn between 3 already... :doh:

Some of ya'll should be ashamed tho, some beautiful custom guitars and basses with just plane 'ol blank neck plates... :laughing7:

man, you know I want one! I just don't have the cash atm, and the local guitar store sold me that worn Fender one for $3...so, it did the job. not too crazy though when people turn the bass over and say "ah, it's a Fender!"...that needs to be corrected ASAP.....
hachikid said:
DangerousR6 said:
Some very sweet builds so far, I'm torn between 3 already... :doh:

Some of ya'll should be ashamed tho, some beautiful custom guitars and basses with just plane 'ol blank neck plates... :laughing7:

man, you know I want one! I just don't have the cash atm, and the local guitar store sold me that worn Fender one for $3...so, it did the job. not too crazy though when people turn the bass over and say "ah, it's a Fender!"...that needs to be corrected ASAP.....
I know, not everyone wants to spend the money on hardware, and some just don't care. Hey, it is what it is... :icon_biggrin:
gtr...is that the same strat in your sig?...

No. but they are kind of similar looking.
This one has active pickups, tobaccoburst flamemaple top, gold hardware.
The one in the sig has passive pickups, honeyburst quiltedmaple top, black hardware.
there are a couple of threads on it that you can look for
there are not much rules though, there needs to be at least one W neck or body. thats all we decided on ... I think..

*thanks for the spelling lesson Doug!
Marko said:
there are a couple of threats on it that you can look for
there are not much rules though, there needs to be at least one W neck or body. thats all we decided on ... I think..

Thanks. I was just wondering if it matters when the guitar was completed, as mine was completed almost a year ago.
Marko said:
there are a couple of threats on it that you can look for
there are not much rules though, there needs to be at least one W neck or body. thats all we decided on ... I think..
Weel I don't know about threats, but there are some "threads" on that subject.....And also it has to have a Warmoth finish, or a professionally done finish for this month...