
NGD: Gibson Gary Moore Les Paul

Great find, man, and I don't care if he is from Texas & wears his gran'pappy's six-shooters to bed,
a Les Paul has NO BIZNIZ wearin' no damn Floyd!!!  :icon_tongue:
Great Ape said:
Great find, man, and I don't care if he is from Texas & wears his gran'pappy's six-shooters to bed,
a Les Paul has NO BIZNIZ wearin' no damn Floyd!!!  :icon_tongue:
Not to fear, I wouldn't put a Floyd on a Lester...I just have to say that..It's the law... :dontknow:

"Disclaimer, No Les Pauls were injured during the making of this motion picture"... :icon_biggrin:
Great looking Lester.  Love the flame in it.  Someone beat me to the "needs a Floyd" punch, but it would have been in jest, anyway.  Sucks to hear that you had one (and an amp) stolen.  Enjoy!