
New video: My top 5 things guitarists suffer from.

I'm going to show this one to my wife today. She'll appreciate the "multiple empty guitar cases" one for sure.

And it's probably obvious, but the 6th one I would add is "guitars everywhere".
Hey I have same ganglion cyst thing ... and the same devil horn thing! Dr. said it was nothing to worry about.

I can add this one .... Significant other says ... You've played that 20 times in a row, why you doin' it again. Answer: It's called practice, Honey ... Response: Oh ...

After about 5 years the question stopped.
Hey I have same ganglion cyst thing ... and the same devil horn thing! Dr. said it was nothing to worry about.

I can add this one .... Significant other says ... You've played that 20 times in a row, why you doin' it again. Answer: It's called practice, Honey ... Response: Oh ...

After about 5 years the question stopped.
Hey!! Now I want a cool cyst too!
Whoa!!! just realized that "Right Side Jacked" was actually a clever reference to your HAND!

OK, let's stop this thread right here.

Spud wins, for 1) demonstrating a familiarity with my original music and 2) making the correct connection to the title's origin. To be fair, it was my wife that coined the title, but Spud nailed the reason for it. My wife and I were talking one day, lamenting all our ailments, and she noted they were all on the right side. She said "we're both right side jacked." I scribbled down the phrase, and the rest is history.

So...congratulations @Spud!

Author's note: there is no prize.
OK, let's stop this thread right here.

Spud wins, for 1) demonstrating a familiarity with my original music and 2) making the correct connection to the title's origin. To be fair, it was my wife that coined the title, but Spud nailed the reason for it. My wife and I were talking one day, lamenting all our ailments, and she noted they were all on the right side. She said "we're both right side jacked." I scribbled down the phrase, and the rest is history.

So...congratulations @Spud!

Author's note: there is no prize.
This is awesome! and at the same time an outrage!I felt sure a prize was involved.
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The hyper fixation on guitar parts in songs. After watching Slash playing on I'm Just Ken at The Oscars I asked my girlfriend if some of those bends sounded really out of tune, and she said, "Whaaaaa?".
OMG, the boxes, for the WIN!!!!
Aside from the normal reason in this vid, I also get loads and loads of boxes from ordering parts for customers. I also accumulate a lot of parts that customers no longer want, so I save the boxes to either donate them or sell them.
The cyst comes from use. The muscle squeezes the nerve and nerve produces fluid. The fluid has to go somewhere and ends up in the ganglion. They can be aspirated but most just disappear on their own.
Differences that appear tiny to the civilian (a couple millimeters of nut width, for example) can have a HUGE effect on the quality of life of the guitar player