New video: Maple vs Roasted Maple Necks


Somewhere in the middle of nowhere.
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Cool video. I basically always go roasted maple now for the stability. *Maybe* I hear a little more crispness on the roasted maple necks I have, but at that point I think it's down to the actual neck, not the roasted/non roasted quality of it.
I don't know the actual properties for the wood, but anecdotally the Roasted maple seems to have much more rigidity.  IMO the roasted maple gives a tone that is brighter and clearer in the top-end.

I heard a difference, however to me the unroasted maple was the slightly brighter one........ :headbang:
The roasted maple seemed slightly brighter, possibly a quicker attack. Not that much in it though.
Funny I heard the top end as the same, but bottom as The Aaron described.
Hmmm, not much difference.  Thought the RM had a touch more zing to it, but nothing really noticeable.
This is why I never bother to show EQ curves or spectrum analyzers. There's value in that from a scientific POV, but people's ears aren't scientific instruments.

Young ears hear differently than old ears. Trained ears hear differently than novice ears. Healthy ears hear differently than damaged ears. People hear things differently based on the size of their skull, eardrums, or ear canals. When you are deciding what sounds good to you, all that matters is what you hear.

IMO, people who insist that I should show EQ curves do so from a desire that somebody to be "right", but I contend that from a musical perspective there is no right. People who hear no difference are right....they do not hear a difference. People who do a hear a difference are also right.

If you gave the same amp to Eric Johnson and Albert Collins, and asked them each to adjust the settings until it sounded right, one would dime the treble and the other would turn it almost completely off. I like living in a world where we can have both Eric Johnson and Albert Collins.
When I did the update of the 8-Ball I decided I'd go with Roasted Maple/Roasted Maple. What I found was exactly what you hear in this video. The top end is a bit brighter and the mid to low mid range is tighter. It's almost like you just took the Brightness control and gave it a 2 position crank. It's very subtle but nice if that's what you're looking for.

The one thing that really stood out to me was the difference in the mix. I'm playing the 8-Ball in a Bass-Keyboard-Guitar lineup and it really sits well in between the top of the keys and the bottom of the bass.

Then I changed up the pickups to a '59 + JB set and now it really roars. The tight midrange and the JB really work well together.


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Good vid as always. On my laptop (more like craptop) speakers i don't hear anything diff, but with my sennheiser hd560 (headphones) the roasted maple seems a li'l #cripsy (pun intended) on the overdrive examples. not in a bad way. Just different. Twas less noticeable on the clean samples.

one might assume we'd be accustomed to the odd behaviour of banal Tone Questers™. they still manage to surprise me though. Reason and logic are simply hurdles to these guitarsts; some jump over them, some roll under them and some bypass them altogether by cutting across the field to the finishing line where they declare themselves the arbiter of The One True Way® of achieving good tone
The Aaron said:
Check it out:


That's cool, but the thought lingering in my mind the past few videos is: any plans to sell that northern lights HH warhead guitar ? :p
docteurseb said:
That's cool, but the thought lingering in my mind the past few videos is: any plans to sell that northern lights HH warhead guitar ? :p

Nope.  :icon_biggrin: