New recordings with my warmoth AT LAST!!


Senior Member
Hey guys and dolls, just letting you all know that my band (The Howling Tongues) just finished our debut EP, titled; Z.  !!!!!!

I used my warmoth tele for the entire recording process, and i gotta say i'm pretty damn happy with how it turned out. Sorry for the shameless plug of my own band  :doh: but you can find the five songs at    its all kinda sabbathy, RHCP-y, grungey, funky stuff.

i guess if anyone wants a copy we could organise sending them to the US/UK etc etc, prob for $5-$10 and then whatever postage is? if you're interested hit me a PM
Just a general lowdown: we tracked for around four days in studio 313 here in australia (yep, i'm an aussie) with Al Wright (former engineer/producer for INXS, Motley Crue, Cold Chisel, Ratt, Jimmy Barnes: this guy just kicks ass), and mastered by King Willy. If anyone else in Oz is in the sydney area, both Al and Willy are kickass dudes, especially to up-and-coming bands like ours.

My rig consisted of:
Warmoth hollow tele body: black korina (danish oil finish), recessed TOM, SD JB and Phat cat, wenge boatneck, warmoth shape headstock, SS6115 frets-->
into-->planet waves tuner--->crybaby wah 535q---> Hughes and Kettner Switchblade 50w combo--->rocktron hush (fx loop)---> Avatar 2x12 V30 cab--> 2xshure 57's, and 2 something else mics  :cool01:

pretty much all the guitar is double tracked, i like it that way. i play all guitar and sing all main vocals. again guys, sorry for the shameless plug!!! i couldnt work out how to put tunes on here properly... let me know what you guys think, i'd love some opinions from other warmoth lads/ladies  :eek:ccasion14:

p.s. im the long-haired dude
Awesome! Feeling Sober sounds great. I'll definitely be getting this if I can  :icon_biggrin:    :rock-on:

Edit: nice chair swiveling there!
dude we are the KINGS of swivelling

if you hit me up in a PM with a postal address i'll send ya one down on the house, just dont tell anyone  :laughing7:
yeah dude that distortion was straight out of the hughes and kettner. it's a bitchin amp, as u can hear (prob best in "No Tomorrow") the clean sound is also awesome. those germans, they know how to mix awesome dirt with awesome cleans. the phat cat p90 in the neck also has just a really nice rounded sound to it, and still gets a good quack with the wah. the only thing that's added to the distortion is a hint of chorus, some delay, and 'verb in the solos (all effects are built in to the amp.

thanks for the kind words fellas, hope i get to play a stadium near you sometime!! we are launching our EP officially this friday, and filming a live clip at the same time, so i'll post on here when it's up and running, you can see just how much sweat my warmoth cops and still runs like a dream machine  :hello2:

just out of saying so, i now also run a new blackstar HT5 combo simultaneously with my H&K. these babies really do live up to the hype, if you get a chance to bash one out, don't hesitate!! i dig running two different tones together, i run the H&K a bit smoother and mesa-ish (though with hugely pumped mids) and run the blackstar real woody and crunchy. i run them both through the avatar cab (with a speaker-splitting jack) and it sounds AWESOME. just gigged with the whole lot on saturday for the first time, got many tone-compliments, which is always nice.
Sounds good. :icon_thumright: - better than that Chicken Foot crud.

Some day maybe you guys could open up for the Flaming Lips.  :laughing7:
yeah, or the howling bells  :laughing7:

thanks riverbluff, i like a big raw sound. i used to run a kinda a-typical (no offense to anyone) mesa, bottom heavy mid-scoopy sorta sound, but it wasn't in-ya-face enough (or rightintheface enough haha), and i listened back to some live recordings and it just didnt cut through the mix. so i changed to the crunch channel and just dime it right out, has a nice mid-range spike that just slices through. and it's good being the only guitarist in the band; i'm not fighting for space in the sonic mix with someone else and their tone
:headbang1: :headbang1: :headbang1:

Another piece of evidence that the music down under is just that darn good!
I like your rhythm tone, nice n growling. Also, definitely hear the sabbath influence (I approve)
hahahaha thanks lads, yes the music industry is full of talent down here. its funny, i dont actuall listen to heaps of sabbath, or cite them as a huge influence, but it def came out that way... weird

if you don't know them, check out Karnivool, those guys kickass majorly. aussie lads too