
New Project and looking for input on guitar fetish

Oh, the misunderstood Floyd Rose. Why do they hate you so?

They're really not that difficult. I think a lot of the stigma has come from them being associated with 80s hair metal and all the crazy whammy effects of that era. There was also a backlash because people were routing vintage guitars for them. That's not the Floyd's fault, stupid people made those decisions.

It's not the solution for everybody. But if you're prone to heavy trem activity in your playing, a properly setup Floyd will stay rock solid in tune. And no other trem can produce the same extreme string slackening. Just don't go routing your Les Paul for it.
DangerousR6 said:
LOL.....you crack me up...The only difference between a wilky and a floyd is the addition of the fine tuner, which were in fact EVH idea. The original original floyds had no fine tuners. And there are no more joints or adjustment on a floyd that aren't on a wilky, aside from the fine tuners, which to me are a plus over the wilky. And what special routing does it need, it uses the same damn pocket the wilky does... :doh:


Ok. Well, you use the Floyds, I'll use the Wilkies, and between the two of us we'll keep Gotoh in business <grin>
I'm not that much of a trem user these days, I just appreciate them. My personal favorite isn't a Floyd, it's the PRS bridge. When I got my first PRS, it was a revelation to find out what you could do without a locking nut. So I'm sitting on both sides of the fence.
Cagey said:
DangerousR6 said:
LOL.....you crack me up...The only difference between a wilky and a floyd is the addition of the fine tuner, which were in fact EVH idea. The original original floyds had no fine tuners. And there are no more joints or adjustment on a floyd that aren't on a wilky, aside from the fine tuners, which to me are a plus over the wilky. And what special routing does it need, it uses the same damn pocket the wilky does... :doh:


Ok. Well, you use the Floyds, I'll use the Wilkies, and between the two of us we'll keep Gotoh in business <grin>
Just remember what Disco said, don't go routing your Les Paul for one... :icon_biggrin:
Disco Scottie said:
...if you're prone to heavy trem activity in your playing, a properly setup Floyd will stay rock solid in tune. And no other trem can produce the same extreme string slackening. Just don't go routing your Les Paul for it.

They didn't have locking tuners and nylon/graphite or LSR nuts back when the Floyd was conceived. I have no tuning problems whatsoever, and I can sharp/flat the strings well past any practical point.
Cagey said:
Disco Scottie said:
...if you're prone to heavy trem activity in your playing, a properly setup Floyd will stay rock solid in tune. And no other trem can produce the same extreme string slackening. Just don't go routing your Les Paul for it.

They didn't have locking tuners and nylon/graphite or LSR nuts back when the Floyd was conceived. I have no tuning problems whatsoever, and I can sharp/flat the strings well past any practical point.
Ya, but you don't look cool doing it... :icon_thumright:
I look cool no matter what I do, because I've got apathy down pat. I'm too old to look like I give a damn about anything, or am anything less than hateful. Of course, it helps that I don't give a damn about anything and am seriously hateful <grin>
Cagey said:
I look cool no matter what I do, because I've got apathy down pat. I'm too old to look like I give a damn about anything, or am anything less than hateful. Of course, it helps that I don't give a damn about anything and am seriously hateful <grin>
LOL, that is funny, Stopped by GC today and was testing out a few tube amps, I was kinda gust getting warmed up when I heard some kid in the isle next to mine say he was going to show me (that old geeezer) how to play guitar, so I cranked it a bit and went into a ten minute melody of classic Black Sabbath  tunes finishing off with War PIgs, I turn the amp down , walked around and asked the kid when he was going to show me how to play guitar. Needless to say they left the place real quick.
It's true - old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill every time <grin>

You know what I notice about most of the kids at those places (and on YouTube, for that matter)? They clearly do not own metronomes, or know anything about pick attack. No matter how simple something is, if you don't approach it right and can't put the notes in the right places in time, it sounds like kukka. Just knowing where the notes are isn't enough by any stretch of the imagination, I don't care what kind of equipment you have.
what I noticed is they are there playing a lot of equipment they cannot afford. Also I notice they get the sales help as most of the help is under 25 and think an old man cannot be serious about buying stuff. So Did I buy, no, I was really wanting to play one of the new Vox hand wired AC 15s, I am looking for a new practice amp. Seems the guys are trying to get me to buy a EGG BEATER or a BULGARISH. told me they were just as good, so I crack the Bulgarish and it goes flat in about 30 seconds, seems the tube was barely in the socket and rattled loose. Lost my vote of confidence on that one, so I plug into the EGG BEATER, first, yuch, second I figure out it is just the speakers, Kid tell sme they are celestions, OK, I ask which celestions? he gives me a blank look, so I tell him you know if you tell me you have a Ford and I ask which Ford you can say a Fiesta or a Crown VIc, Same with a celestion, is it their bottom of the line of top of the line? Damn kid traded me off to hos manager who did not know the answer either..
I don't know how anyone could work at GC, theres always a ton of guitars being played, and most of it sounds like crap,  But every once in a while I'll see some 10 year old kid in there ( never the same kid) and hes playing at a respectable volume and just shredding the shite outta that guitar, Then I go home and don't play for 3 days.
One of my nieces works there, and the bloom is off the rose for her. At first, it was pretty cool, hanging around with all that equipment and the people who knew how to make it go. Then, the mystery went away, and now it's just an aggravating cacophony all day.
Well Guys, It's done. Ordered all the parts today.

Few changes to the original Idea

1. Recessed Wilkinson bridge
2. Stainless Steel Frets (I figured why not)
3. Poplar body
4. H-S-H not H-S-S

Thanks for the input guys  :headbang1:
Oh you'le be recomending SS to the next guy that comes along with a fret question, I guarantee. Good choice