
New Neck Day!!!

Wow, great matching figuring on the Goncalo and the Ebony!  :blob7:  :blob7:  :blob7:

When are we going to see the finished product....body and neck?
OzziePete said:
Wow, great matching figuring on the Goncalo and the Ebony!  :blob7:  :blob7:  :blob7:

When are we going to see the finished product....body and neck?

Will take a little bit... I'm working in commercial time now and ain't have the time and tools to make it right... Just arrived today the Tru-Oil.. Gotta get a grain filler then I'll try to finish the headstock...
Thanks a lot guys :)
Great looking score NT--I wish you all the best in regards to having a guitar sound as good as it looks.

In regards to the headstock, you had mentioned ideas for finishing. With something that pretty, you really want to leave the natural beauty. I have two ideas for you. The first idea would be using paste wax, which is carnuba wax and turpentine. You can do it in coats, and it can be applied by hand. The benefit to it is that its easy to work with (very similar to waxing a car--buff the haze off), it will repel moisture and it will develop a nice patina over time.

Option two came from something my dad did. He owns a furniture repair shop in Wisconsin, and as a Christmas gift for my wife, he helped me restore a cedar chest from the late 30s. The front of the cedar chest has figured maple and zebrawood vaneer on it. What he did to really get the figure to pop was he sprayed the vaneer with shellac. This soaked into the wood and really gave the figuring and grain a nice dimensional look. The neat part was when he applied it--he sprayed it, and then it was like a delay reaction--all of a sudden, you saw the figuring wake up right in front of you. Once he applied the shellac, he went over it with a semi-gloss poly that he likes to use on antiques that will see semi-consistent use. The only downturn to this is that to get the best result, it should be sprayed on. If you have the resources to apply it, it'll be worth it.

One last thing--in regards to the toe. Soak it in hydrogen peroxide for fifteen minutes twice a day. I had the same thing eight years ago, and was given the same stuff (1% iodine). I found peroxide was more agressive in cleaning the wound, and together with the iodine, it healed up in no time; the longest part was waiting for the toenail to grow back.
Hey G62, thanks for the post! :D
I've already bought a Tru-Oil 90ml bootle... Things are really hard to find here in Brazil, but I found this and decided to try, as it's the oil that Warmoth recomends for their wood (and don't loose the warranties :laughing7:)
NonsenseTele said:
Hey G62, thanks for the post! :D
I've already bought a Tru-Oil 90ml bootle... Things are really hard to find here in Brazil, but I found this and decided to try, as it's the oil that Warmoth recomends for their wood (and don't loose the warranties :laughing7:)

I think you'll have luck with Tru-Oil. Like paste wax, you can apply it with a cloth, it'll repel moisture, and it'll let the wood breathe, which may or may not have an effect on tone, but it'll let the natural beauty speak for itself.
Well, the pic is just not as good on real life, but this is the headstock with the 1st layer of grain filler... Looks outstanding!


  • Warmoth Tele Neck Flamed Koa Grain Filler.jpg
    Warmoth Tele Neck Flamed Koa Grain Filler.jpg
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