
New Neck Day!!!

Nando Vallart

Epic Member
So, I've made this as quiet as I could  :icon_biggrin:

Gonçalo Alves Fatback 24.75" Conversion neck
Flame Koa Headstock
Macassar Ebony Fingerboard
SS6100 frets






So! I need to finish the headstock in some way... thinking in Lindseed Oil... Any thoughts?? Tonar? :P

Thanks a lot to the Warmoth guys for making this dream happen! :D You guys ROCK!!
WOW!  NT - that's a hell of a neck!

hey - whatever happened to the set neck L5S project?
That is really a sweet score.  I love how the finger board and back blend so naturally. 
What body is this going on?
:kewlpics: :rock-on:
Thanks a lot for all the comments, guys! :D
This neck is going to the old Spalty! :D

mayfly said:
hey - whatever happened to the set neck L5S project?
I was using the shop of a luthier for doing it and since about one year ago, I have not time to go there work on it... Hope I can do some progress untill the end of the year, but it's not very probable...

Wyliee said:
Hmmmm......  I think I've seen that wood somewhere before..... :icon_thumright:

:laughing7: And it's awesome, right? Thanks for you for all your help to decide the project!  :icon_thumright:

Max said:
Excellent looking neck, Nando! Goncalo feels great   :icon_thumright:

It REALLY feels awesome!!!

AGWAN said:
Whats wrong with your toenail?
Ra! Unfortunatelly I kicked the wall beside the door of my room trying to answer a 6AM phone call from my mother... It was a month ago, so the fingernail was getting loosy and I got it off, they I get a Zombie's Attack kind of smell and discovered I got a infection on my toe... But it's recovering! The dark red is the medicine I'm using...

Tonar8353 said:
What!!!!!! Another Tele?  :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

Looks Killer!

Thanks :D
As I said, it's going with the old Spalty Tele I've got... What do you think about finishing the headstock? The only "meh" think on this amazing Flamed Koa is that it needs finish (sorry, the pic DOESN'T do it justice, hope I can get better pics with it finished!)