New Neck and Question


Hero Member
so i got my new purpleheart with an ebony fretboard neck today. i love it. the look, the feel. perfect.

my only concern... i thought it was a warmoth pro neck, but there's no side adjustment on it. i remember narrowing down my search in warmoth's in stock items several times trying to decide on whether or not this was the neck for me... so i think it's really unlikely i accidentally clicked the wrong link, since i looked at it for days and days. maybe it was filed under the wrong option? i know a couple bodies that i've seen have been, so i guess it's possible with necks too.

anyway, just a question. what did i get? i might have completely misread something on the website

oh, and i was worried maybe the scale was off too. if i had missed one thing, why not another, right? but i measured and it's all 25.5"

sorry, no pictures

:icon_biggrin:  just kidding  :icon_biggrin:





Very nice neck. Tilt back pegheads have the truss rod adjustment at the top of the neck, (easy to access), so no need to offer a side adjustment option for them.
Gregg said:
Very nice neck. Tilt back pegheads have the truss rod adjustment at the top of the neck, (easy to access), so no need to offer a side adjustment option for them.

thanks! i noticed all the pictures of the side adjustment are strat headstocks, so i was wondering.

and yes, it feels awesome. i can't wait to try it out! just another 8 to 10 weeks haha
Oh fan...tastic!!
I'm real close to pulling the trigger on a purpleheart neck myself.
This may have been the small bit to put me over the edge.
I'm doing it in a reverse angled strat.
They can keep that side adjustment thing, all you need is trussrod adjustment at the headstock.

Very nice!!
Looks pretty sweet Jay.... :icon_thumright:

What's the body going to be.... :dontknow:
it's gonna be a swamp ash VIP. i was worried the neck might be too heavy, but it doesn't seem much heavier (if any) compared to my maple/rosewood neck from an old guitar.

i'm going for this sort of a look... but swamp ash instead of mahogany, obviously  :icon_biggrin:


longest wait ever, and i just ordered 2 or 3 weeks ago
DangerousR6 said:
And purple heart neck instead of rosewood... :icon_biggrin:

haha well... yeah. i'm planning a variax rosewood neck, and moving this to a soloist later maybe. not sure yet, but i'll see  :)
JaySwear said:
DangerousR6 said:
And purple heart neck instead of rosewood... :icon_biggrin:

haha well... yeah. i'm planning a variax rosewood neck, and moving this to a soloist later maybe. not sure yet, but i'll see  :)
Ahhhhhh,  I  :glasses9:
I dont want to steal this thread or anything, its just a quick question. Why in gods name is the heel so friggin big on PRS'. They cant trim that thing down?
rapfohl09 said:
I dont want to steal this thread or anything, its just a quick question. Why in gods name is the heel so friggin big on PRS'. They cant trim that thing down?
Supposedly, according to a particular guitar builder,  it's to keep it from having any "dead spots", but I ain't buying that.... :icon_scratch:
My 1994 Custom 24 doesn't have any dead spots.
That neck is still straight as an arrow too.

I have to admit though, I bought it from a place called East Coast Music Mall, which at the time was apparently being run by Mr. Roman.
And he said so, so its true!!

haha oh man... i had a pretty good time last night reading over what roman could do to "greatly improve your PRS for less than a new guitar would cost."

basically, it includes replacing everything. i'm not even sure why you had to send them your PRS to begin with.
Watershed said:
My 1994 Custom 24 doesn't have any dead spots.
That neck is still straight as an arrow too.

I have to admit though, I bought it from a place called East Coast Music Mall, which at the time was apparently being run by Mr. Roman.
And he said so, so its true!!

I've played many many guitars that were neck thru that have no heel at all and have yet to run across one that has dead spots. So in "his" usual fashion he's spewing a bunch of....

It really bewilders me why most bolt on necks have such big heels, maybe for cost cutting reason's.....Who knows?... :dontknow:
i noticed the PRS 513 has almost no heel at all compared to the monster heel on the modern eagle!


still a little big, but definitely not a normal PRS heel. its like they thought about sanding it down, but stopped halfway through haha
Death by Uberschall said:
Supposedly the added mass adds sustain to the instrument, but without a scientific analysis, who knows???
That would explain then why you could have a neck thru with no heel at all. But as you said, without the data to back it up, noone really knows.... :dontknow:
JaySwear said:
i noticed the PRS 513 has almost no heel at all compared to the monster heel on the modern eagle!


still a little big, but definitely not a normal PRS heel. its like they thought about sanding it down, but stopped halfway through haha
This is probably because they charge 3 times as much for the 513 than they do for most of their other models... :binkybaby: