
New Member, !st Post


Junior Member
Hey all, just wanted to say hello, and let everyone know im here.

Im 15 and i am really into building and playing guitars, so i figured this was a great site to join.

Also, i am a member on Jemsite.com, and recommend it to anyone here, even if you dont play ibanez.
I first discovered warmoth simply because i needed to order some fretwire, then i stumbled upon the awesomeness that is Warmoth.  I am currently looking into having a custom strat and neck built by warmoth, and wanted to join so i could learn,discuss, and bounce ideas off all of you who are already warmoth customers and such.

Welcome Downhome!

Crap, Max is finally an adult (kind of) and now we have to start all over watching our language again!!! ;)
You've come to the right place.
I love seeing young people taking interest in building custom guitars.
Most just wanna play video games.

Love to see you get top marks in your school class, in woodworking  :toothy10:
Great choice, you'll do that making a guitar ......
Then Rock the school playing it  :guitarplayer2:

Good on you  :icon_thumright:
Street Avenger said:
You've come to the right place.
I love seeing young people taking interest in building custom guitars.
Most just wanna play video games.

First off, Welcome Downhome!

You have indeed come to the right place - I was 17 when I built my first guitar in wood shop junior year (and I played video games!).

That guitar never got finished and was thrown away, but I had fun building what I could (and I got an 'A', woot).

Welcome! Yes, Jemsite is a nice place with plenty of knowledge.
Hope to see your first W project soon.