
new gear day! (a whole lotta vintage gear!)


Senior Member
I went gear shopping the other day with a friend, and this is what I came home with. it all works, but I'm having some trouble nailing down some prices on some of this stuff. I'd be curious about some help with it. also, it's a "check out this awesome crap I got!" thread.

the money shot:

  • brown p-bass copy
  • Sunn 200S
  • Ampeg V2 4x12 guitar cab
  • Sunn Alpha Slave power amp
  • silverface Fender Bassman Ten
  • mid 70's ampeg VT-22 (with distortion channel)
  • two freshly reconed JBL D130F 15" guitar speakers
  • short scale white Harmony bass

this is the one I'm completely lost on. does anyone have any idea what model this bass is, or where it's from? there's no serial number I've seen on it. it's probably in the neck pocket. any idea on price?

and the brown p-bass copy had some Seymour Duncan pickups in it with some weird switches on the pickups. I have no idea what they do:


here's the whole album with some better photos of all the stuff:

I suspect those are the old active PU's SD made.

The SD website FAQ tells what 2 of them do:

I have the old active bass pickups with the little switches on them. What do the switches do?

Functions of switches on old-style "Active EQ" bass pickups
We stopped making the switch pickups ("Active EQ") in the mid-'90s. We replaced them with the Pro-Active series.

The little rocker switches on the Active EQ pickups change the sound. Switch #1 shifts the coil resonance. On a Jazz Bass neck pickup and a P Bass pickup, the resonance moves downward from 22 KHz to 6.4 KHz. On a Jazz Bass bridge pickup, it move downwards from 17 KHz to 4.9 KHz. The effect is to give a more focused sound with a harder attack. Switch #2 gives a broad band bass boost of 4 dB for the Jazz Bass neck and P Bass pickups, and 5 dB for the Jazz Bass bridge. The switches can be a very effective tool for changing the tonal "character" of your instrument.
wow - that's some nice old gear!  Love those old Sunn amps.

I have no idea about the bass however and as a result completely unhelpful :-)
yea, I'm gonna be getting this p-bass in proper order soon. gonna get a new pickguard for it, flatwounds, and a neck pickup. there's some active electronics of some sort in it, but I think that's gonna be taken out soon. I'll see how I like these fancy Seymour Duncan pickups. if I'm not crazy about them, I'm gonna get another matching set of Dimarzio Will Power pickups. either that, or I may just sell this one and piece together a brown Warmoth P...argh.....
Nice find. I have an Ampeg VT-22, I love it but I will warn you it is loud as F@#$. Also finding all the right tubes can be a pain in the ass.
Before I even looked at the other Harmony listings, I was thinking I hope you didn't pay over $50... I mean, if you can hold the body and wiggle the headstock and nothing awful happens, and you can intonate the bridge more-or-less, and when you plug it in it SURPRISES you by sounding OK... well, it ain't dumpster food. But if you audition for a band, you want to use your very best-sounding axe, likewise if you're playing for people who expect your best, likewise if you're recording... "quirky" only counts in MTV-land. Jack White may have gotten semi-famous playing dumpster drippings, but as soon as he had some coin he started paying good luthiers to make imitation dumpster drippings that played and sounded GOOD. You can always buy it and give it to somebody you hate, just for torture porpoises.

Those Sunns and Ampegs, whew! but, DO THEY WORK? Leslie West is adamant that the "Mississippi Queen" tone was a Les Paul Jr with P90 into a bigass Sunn head, and if the Ampeg is working right it can kick 90% of the Marshall 50watters all around the block and off the pier. Around the time that Eric Johnson and Steve Morse were inventing multi-amp setups, Morse was using a Fender for cleans, a Marshall for pushy mids, and an Ampeg for Katie bar the door, them monsters is HONGRY... :o I do believe Sunns are also known for winning weight battles, it's like 200 lbs. or something, right?
I had a VT-22 many, many moons ago, and I concur - loud as hell. Painfully so. And unbelievably heavy. Then, in an effort to get some better loud out of it, I put in a pair of EVM-12Ls. Foolish, foolish boy. Just made it louder, clearer, and heavier. If I'd have been a country/western player, I probably would have been ultra-happy. Thing had clean headroom in the bank. It just took what you did and made it bigger without any comment or color. I modified it to get a master volume, but that wasn't as much help as I thought it would be. So, I ended up selling it to get something raunchier.
Cagey said:
I had a VT-22 many, many moons ago, and I concur - loud as hell. Painfully so. And unbelievably heavy. Then, in an effort to get some better loud out of it, I put in a pair of EVM-12Ls. Foolish, foolish boy. Just made it louder, clearer, and heavier. If I'd have been a country/western player, I probably would have been ultra-happy. Thing had clean headroom in the bank. It just took what you did and made it bigger without any comment or color. I modified it to get a master volume, but that wasn't as much help as I thought it would be. So, I ended up selling it to get something raunchier.

Sounds like my ex-wife, except the part about "no comment or color."  Plenty of that.  But she did just get louder no matter what I did.
$50 is actually what I paid for the Harmony bass. it actually doesn't sound too bad, and it plays decently well. the Sunn definitely works, though. it's not too bad. just a little heavier than my 40 pound Carvin X100B. the Ampeg works, too. that thing will win a weight contest no problem, though. all the gear works, and I'm about to put it all on Craigslist, too. I already have a buyer for the V2 cab, and the two JBL D130F's, though. :)