
New All Black Gilmour Strat


Hello to everybody!
I'm new of this forum and now really proud to be part of Warmoth's big family! I write from Italy and really eager to learn tips and tricks from all the experts writing on this (beautiful) forum.
I've just started my second Strat project, and hope to make even a better job than the first one.
What I'll do now is a replica of the so called "All Black" Gilmour's Stratocaster.. just slightly tailored for my playing habits..
Just gathered all the needed components and will soon start the construction:
1) Fender Original USA Black Alder Body '60
2) Warmoth Vintage Modern (compund radius and truss adj. at the headstock are unbeatable!) indian rosewood over vintage tinted maple (graphite nut). Standard thin profile
3) Vintage Gotoh tuners
4) Fralin Hot Vintage pickups for neck and middle
5) Seymour Duncan SSL-5 at bridge
6) Callaham vintage tremolo bridge, screws, neck plate, jackplate, 5 pos. switch and pots.
7) Orange Drop 33nF cap
8 ) WD music solid black pickguard  

What do you think of this selection?

I'd also like to fit the neck + bridge switch and studying the best way to do it.

Well, as soon as I start the project will post some pictures..Any advice is really welcome, especially on how to properly sit the neck into the body's pocket (any shims or preworking required?) ..

..Later my new friends!

Ciao, Pat.  :sign13:
The Warmoth licensed stuff is made to be Fender compatible, so the Warmoth neck and Fender body should bolt right up with no problem.  The Warmoth neck mounting holes are drilled as are the holes in the Fender body.  No shims, no nothing.  Whatever your expectations are for this project, I'm sure they will be exceeded.  As with most things worth doing, it's about the journey, not the destination.  Take your time, have fun and at the end you'll have a great guitar.  I'll go out on limb by predicting this won't be your last Warmoth project.
Thanks a lot for your encouragement.

I already know this won't be my last Warmoth project. I've been really amazed by the great quality of their products: definitely as the same (if not better) as the best official Custom Shop's.

And you're right: it's all about the journey to make it, to see it flourishing out of your hands and passion. I can't wait to start making it..I'll keep you updated. :sign13:



Sounds like a great build.
I'm a Gilmour fan myself.

"I'd also like to fit the neck + bridge switch and studying the best way to do it."
How bout a push-pull knob?

Patsen said:
Any advice is really welcome, especially on how to properly sit the neck into the body's pocket (any shims or preworking required?)
Shims really shouldn't be done ahead of time.  It's usually a decision made after then guitar is mostly assembled.

One important note and I hope I'm not insulting your intelligence.  The heel of the neck isn't really square and shouldn't slide in like a seatbelt, it should drop down from above.  Some light sanding of the neck pocket (NOT the neck itself) may be required to get it to go in at all.  Snug is good.
Thanks a lot for the good advices. Actually I studied the assembly neck + neck pocket during my previous project (another Stratocaster made with all original Fender components, neck MIM) and totally agree with you. A snug fit is better. On that guitar I had to sand a little the stickers found on the bottom side of the neck's heel and it eventually improved the grip between the two parts.

My point is a different one though: how to establish if the tilt angle between the neck and the body is correct? Of course I believe this can be determied only after the work is complete, but upon your experience, is it better to apply a sort of "preventive cure"?


Pat. :sign13:
Hello Everybody!

As I'm quite new of this forum, could someone explain me how to post pictures? I'd like to show my new Black beauty!

Click on the "+ Additional Options..." link at the bottom the post window.  It will let you attach pictures.