Had to sell off the '69 Marshall JMP50 plexi, but settled for a fun little 18 watter. It's a GDS Amplification kit with a Weber MASS mounted right on the chassis with a bypass switch on the back. Pretty handy really. Really breathes fire when you open up the TMB channel when in bypass on the MASS driver. The cab is Vibroworld loaded with a mixture of pre-Rola Celestions (G12M25's and G12H30s), axe is my Warmoth LP build. Having to downscale my toys, but this is a very punchy 18 watts. I think it'll be a hoot! Currently running a trio of Mullard ECC83's, JJ EL-84's and an EH 6CA4 rectifier. Looking forward to trying out the Beano Boost I ordered for this head.