
Needing to fill 2pt. Bridge holes-advice wanted


Hero Member
evidently whomever installed my Wilkinson VS100 positioned the briddge too far forward, cause it wont float right without the springs(high tension) falling off the claw on a pull up.. It only works right when the trem is blocked up against the body for dives only.
Anyhow, I am woried about useing a standard pine dowel to fill the holes. Is there anyplace to get a harder wodd dowl like hard Maple or something.
I might have a tough time pulling the studs out since I had glued them in. I will try heating them with a solder gun, then pulling them out with the claw end of a hammer attached to the screws... but it might be hard with the vS-100, as the trem scrws are rounded of like a ball on top .
I intend on installing a six-point Fender style trem, and Ive also heard that insatlling is faqirly foolproof-just line up the trem with strings on oit- mark the holes after you edge the trem just a tiny bit back from the body? thanks
Woodcraft has birch, cherry, oak, and walnut.  No maple though.

The heating method should work, I did something similar with superglued TOM bushings.  Since the body wasn't nitro finished I used a little acetone to cut the glue, just watch the combo of fresh acetone and heat.  :laughing7:

EDIT:  I forgot to check all my bookmarks.  These guys have a bunch too.
Instead of using the trem mount screw, I'd go to a local hardware store like Lowes or Home Depot and find some hex head screws of the same diameter and thread pitch.

The screw size is 6mm, but it doesn't say what the pitch is, so you'd have to just check your screw against different 6mm screws to match the pitch..
Blue313 said:
Woodcraft has birch, cherry, oak, and walnut.  No maple though.

The heating method should work, I did something similar with superglued TOM bushings.  Since the body wasn't nitro finished I used a little acetone to cut the glue, just watch the combo of fresh acetone and heat.  :laughing7:

EDIT:  I forgot to check all my bookmarks.  These guys have a bunch too.
The Home Depot also carries wood dowels in various flavors. I found a nice cherry dowel for my cherry tele, I goofed up on drilling the holes for my floyd and had to plug them and redrill.