It's hardly any consolation, but just to add a little creamer to the darkness of this forum's coffee as of late (hey, guilty as charged!), I offer you a peek into one of my favorite time-wasters:
Spam rebuttals.
It's the best of both worlds, a passive-aggressive dance along the side of a canyon! One wrong step and you fall into the chasm of the hacked. This week's adventure is brought to you by the infamous Ian Colquhoun..
"Ian Colquhoun <>
1:16 PM (2 hours ago)
to me
Dear Frank De Salvo,
Please, can you respond to my previous email? As I have waited for your response"
What? I've never met this cat, nor have we ever communicated. After a little search on the Intergoogle, I discovered the name belongs to an obscure man in Europe - a real man of mystery, as it were. Looking at his email address, I wondered if there was a fraction of a chance that my sarcasm was offending the man himself. The obvious answer is his legitimate email account was commandeered and used to wage war against my benevolent email domain!
"Frank DeSalvo <>
1:21 PM (2 hours ago)
to Ian,
Wow, to what do I owe the pleasure...Is this THE Ian Colquhon that is an author, actor, stuntman and Historian originally from Craigshill/Livingston in Scotland – the same Ian Colquhon who lost his legs and was almost killed in an unprovoked assault and arson attack whilst living in the Republic of Ireland in 2002, now wearing prosthetic legs? WHAT HAVE I DONE TO DESERVE THIS HONOR??"
I am patiently waiting for a response. :tard: