
Need Help With Ideas for Airplane Themed Thinline Telecaster

B3Guy said:
Personally, I've always thought of the Sopwith Camel as a cool plane (and the old, rounded look they have would suit a Tele well, I think). You can get cool bullseye going, with a nice leather guitar strap . . . :occasion14:

Like this maybe?  :icon_biggrin:


yea . . . kinda. although, I would go with a matte army green, not gloss . . . loose the skeleton and add a tarnished chrome pickguard. overall a less finished, more battered look.
B3Guy said:
yea . . . kinda. although, I would go with a matte army green, not gloss . . . loose the skeleton and add a tarnished chrome pickguard. overall a less finished, more battered look.

To each his own, I was just referring to the British 'bullseye' really. Lol. :icon_thumright:
=CB= said:
Stick an altimeter on it.

Its certainly not impossible--Nigel Tufnel has an axe with a tachometer in it.

One thing that I think would look cool would be rivets over screws when it came to putting the components on (pickguard, etc.) I understand that this is a "point of no return" option if you do this, but I think that'd really nail down the aviation theme in the details.

In addition, you also can't forget the nose art either:

ORCRiST said:
B3Guy said:
Personally, I've always thought of the Sopwith Camel as a cool plane (and the old, rounded look they have would suit a Tele well, I think). You can get cool bullseye going, with a nice leather guitar strap . . . :occasion14:

Like this maybe?  :icon_biggrin:



Wow you guys! Way to go!!!
I wasn't sure what to expect and these ideas have really added a new dimension.
Call me crazy, but there are sometimes when a guitar just SOUNDS like a plane! I guess I start to see the sound as flying because a lot of times in guitar solos, there is very little repetition, and thus, just like a conventional propellor plane, there is no stopping, no hovering, so to speak, so plow through those changes and divebomb with your whammy bars.
This paintjob is justway too  freakin cool not to be quoted.
Very IrondMaiden "Aces High" :kewlpics: :party07:
Although, my personal taste seems much akin to B3...I had envisioned more of a cropduster (check out Crimson Skies for original XBOX, awesome game! And maybe if you play it while listening to your favorite music via headphones, maybe you too will start to blend the senses and hear airplane guitars!)
And even the aforementioned Sopwith Camel, maybe a mustang or a Spitfire. More rugged, maybe even some bullet holes, or ripped canvas, like the wing of a plane I don't know.
Rivets/capped screws and nose decals bonus points too!!!

Steve :rock-on: :occasion14:
canvas would be cool  :glasses9: (maybe try wrapping your pickguard in it . . . (one thing about that, it's totally undoable if you don't like it)
ORCRiST said:
B3Guy said:
Personally, I've always thought of the Sopwith Camel as a cool plane (and the old, rounded look they have would suit a Tele well, I think). You can get cool bullseye going, with a nice leather guitar strap . . . :occasion14:

Like this maybe?  :icon_biggrin:



Of  course it has a Floyd  :tard:
i'd love to start a plane-themed build. mostly based off of european theatre planes like the coolest of them all, the P-47

first mockup of a "sopwith" strat . . . needs some more work, but hey, I incorporated some cool elements! (if you wanted to go REALLY "sopwith", the army green painted neck could be scalloped, to imitate the canvas-covered wings of WWI planes)
B3Guy said:
first mockup of a "sopwith" strat . . . needs some more work, but hey, I incorporated some cool elements! (if you wanted to go REALLY "sopwith", the army green painted neck could be scalloped, to imitate the canvas-covered wings of WWI planes)

Good stuff you guys!
I definitely had a prop plane in mind in terms of scalloping, but I didn't know why...
One time my brother took me to the R/C park, and it was a frickin' hobby plane stunt show! Originally, the scalloping to me, represented the ultralight R/C models. So maneuvouverable, you could practically fly them in your room. But now, the scalloping of the neck is taking on a whole new turn! Maybe even a monorail, or rail car quality besides the wing of the Sopwith Camel! Or the arrestor cable on an aircraft carrier! I've never played on ascalloped neck before though...so I don't know if it will work out. No...wait, I take it back, I did, but for like '00 seconds and the smell of curry was nauseating. I will have to give it another go...

Also...what if that gauge was a voltage gauge connected to the pickups so whenever you picked or strummed, the needle would flip depending on how hard etc. (Supposedly like Digitech's Cottonmouth Fuzz)??? That would be sweet!

Keep the pictures coming!
I want to hear/see some more ideas!
DustyCat said:
ORCRiST said:
Like this maybe?  :icon_biggrin:



Wow you guys! Way to go!!!
This paintjob is justway too  freakin cool not to be quoted.
Very IrondMaiden "Aces High" :kewlpics: :party07:
Although, my personal taste seems much akin to B3...I had envisioned more of a cropduster (check out Crimson Skies for original XBOX, awesome game! And maybe if you play it while listening to your favorite music via headphones, maybe you too will start to blend the senses and hear airplane guitars!)
And even the aforementioned Sopwith Camel, maybe a mustang or a Spitfire. More rugged, maybe even some bullet holes, or ripped canvas, like the wing of a plane I don't know.
Rivets/capped screws and nose decals bonus points too!!!

Steve :rock-on: :occasion14:

Thanks Steve, for my build thread - check out: http://www.unofficialwarmoth.com/index.php?topic=12723.0

(Stay tuned for a upcomming major update!)

Here are some newer pics:




Rouse said:
Of  course it has a Floyd  :tard:

Yeah, because its supposed to.  :icon_tongue:

JaySwear said:
i'd love to start a plane-themed build. mostly based off of european theatre planes like the coolest of them all, the P-47


I gotta call BS there J... out of all the Warbirds from WWII the "Jug" is probably one of the Fugliest! (Although,
still a badass plane).  :icon_biggrin:  The Jug is the tail-end Charlie in a long line of notable aircraft. It can't hold a candle
to the likes of the Mustang, Spitfire, P40, Me109, Fw190, Corsair, P38, Me262... (I'm talking "fame" and "noteriety" not
actual war-record here.)


the P-47 isn't pretty, but it's like the Corsair, just a workhorse! the P-51 came in late AND needed an engine swap, and the FW-190 played for the wrong team. the P-38 is definitely another one of my favorites. the P-47 was lacking in range though.
JaySwear said:
the P-47 isn't pretty, but it's like the Corsair, just a workhorse! the P-51 came in late AND needed an engine swap, and the FW-190 played for the wrong team. the P-38 is definitely another one of my favorites. the P-47 was lacking in range though.

Maybe "workhorse" is just the right kinda thing for a tele!
AGWAN said:
but if he themed it off the P-38 wouldn't it need to be a doubleneck?


I am reminded of the "Who Shot Mr. Burns Part. 1" episode of the Simpsons when Groundskeep Willie Struck oil after burying Superdude. Everyone had ideas about how to go about spending the moneyfrom hiring Tito Puente to teach jazz, to chocolate microscropes...
I tried looking for it on You tube, but they didn't have this particular clip:
Otto: "You know those guitar that are like...double guitars?"