Need case for flying V


Junior Member
So I have the Warvin Flying V in progress and wanted to get a case.
I purchased the Jackson V case as the inner dimensions were very close to what I measured. Unfotunatley the Warmoth V is a lot thicker than the Jackson case will allow. I don't really want to cut apart the foam just to get the body to fit.

For those of you with Vs, what case are you using? I'd like to stay away from the V gig bags if possible.

Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
Is the SKB case you speak of a generic, one size fits all case with a rectangular body section?  If so, I think he was looking a form fitting one.

I believe SKB offers form fitted ones. I should have clarified. I meant this case.

Apologies to the OP for lack of clarification.
Yes, I have the SKB V shaped case for Valentina, my Warmoth V.  It fits perfect like a glove.
You will love it  :icon_thumright:
I also have a SKB molded V case that my Warmoth V lives in.  Pretty good fit.  Can't complain as they are a decent case.  I found a pretty good deal on feebay.
there are some other options as well in addition to the SKB case. I have a couple of hardshell Dean cases for mine that fit well.

I have both the Dean V case and a Dean Razorback case. The V case works great for a traditional shaped V and the Razorback case gives you a little extra space for some of the non-traditional V/V-2 shapes.
You could always have a custom case made by G&G.  I had them do my case for my Star and it's excellent.  Prepare to spend about $300.

FWIW, my wife and I were in an auto accident last Friday evening and were rear-ended at 50-60 mph.  We were then pushed into the vehicle in front of us.  The case was in the back seat of the car and we (my wife and I) believe from the force, the case hit the back of her seat and nearly bent the seatback in half (backwards).  The guitar wound up in the impound lot over night in temperatures that dipped into the mid-upper 30s.

The next morning after the crash, my wife and I got to the impound lot to remove our belongings out of the car.  It's amazing we lived, let alone walked away.  We got home, I plugged in, plugged up the tuner, and the guitar was still in tune.  :headbang1:

Just take my word for it, don't skimp on the case.



Dude, first of all - I'm glad you guys are alive.  That's awful and I hope you are opening a lawsuit.  Your wife's seat probably bent back due to her body's momentum upon impact.  This happened to me when I was rear ended by some old folks in a Ford Mark III van.  :/
Thanks for the well wishes, everyone, but let's not stray from the thread.  I guess I shoulda used better judgement than to post pics of the wrecked car, but yeah, G&G cases are the way to go.  If they'll hold up to that, I'm pretty sure they'll hold up to anything.  :eek:ccasion14:
It's when the neck pocket is angled to compensate for the bridge sitting high of the body.  Look at Gibson with a T-O-M bridge.  The neck and body aren't in the same plane.  A Gibson Explorer I once owned had one, so in the case, the neck laid flat but the form fitted portion of the body was offset.  I couldn't imagine placing a straight pocketed guitar in there.  Either the neck or body would nest correctly, but not both.
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
It's when the neck pocket is angled to compensate for the bridge sitting high of the body.  Look at Gibson with a T-O-M bridge.  The neck and body aren't in the same plane.  A Gibson Explorer I once owned had one, so in the case, the neck laid flat but the form fitted portion of the body was offset.  I couldn't imagine placing a straight pocketed guitar in there.  Either the neck or body would nest correctly, but not both.

Thanks for the explanation.  Just saw one.  :toothy10:
Tipperman said:
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
Is the SKB case you speak of a generic, one size fits all case with a rectangular body section?  If so, I think he was looking a form fitting one.

I believe SKB offers form fitted ones. I should have clarified. I meant this case.

Apologies to the OP for lack of clarification.

Thanks for the replies, for some reason I wasn't getting notifications.

I tried the Jackson variant of the SKB case and it did NOT fit. The body was way too thick to fit into the molded section. It was a nice case but wouldn't work. Any one know for sure if the SKB is any different from the Jackson case (I'm assuming SKB at least mfgs the Jackson)

I was checking out the G&G online, not sure if I'm ready to shell out $300 yet, good to know they'll take abuse and that you're alright.
cabo5150 said:
Tipperman said:
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
Is the SKB case you speak of a generic, one size fits all case with a rectangular body section?  If so, I think he was looking a form fitting one.

I believe SKB offers form fitted ones. I should have clarified. I meant this case.

Apologies to the OP for lack of clarification.

Thanks for the replies, for some reason I wasn't getting notifications.

I tried the Jackson variant of the SKB case and it did NOT fit. The body was way too thick to fit into the molded section. It was a nice case but wouldn't work. Any one know for sure if the SKB is any different from the Jackson case (I'm assuming SKB at least mfgs the Jackson)

I was checking out the G&G online, not sure if I'm ready to shell out $300 yet, good to know they'll take abuse and that you're alright.

Hey thanks.  When it came to my guitar, I jumped in with the pretense that I wasn't putting a cap on what the end result would cost; I spared no expense, including the price of a custom case.  This project was the "dream guitar" and I wanted to do everything I could to ensure it would be perfect.  I wasn't about to spend a fortune on a guitar just to put it in any old off-the-shelf $99 case.

Given the circumstances, I'd say the $300 was a worthy investment.  On April 6th, that case paid for itself many times over.

I'm not saying you should go get a $300 case because I did, I'm just saying you really don't wanna skimp on a case.
Daze of October said:
I'm not saying you should go get a $300 case because I did, I'm just saying you really don't wanna skimp on a case.

I agree. Guitars are not only expensive, you get attached to them like pets, way out of proportion to their cost. You wanna make sure when you take 'em out that they're well protected.