
Neck Tension of a, Not in use neck, taken off a body.


Hero Member
I can't find the thread or remember the answer  :doh:

I have a couple / few necks lying about, of both Warmoth Vintage and Warmoth Pro.
They have been on bodies.
Now they aren't .....

Q ... Is it best to loosen them a small amount, while they are sitting around ?

I just know someones gunna say, that's an easy fix. Buy more bodies. (But that isn't the answer)  :icon_biggrin:
How about "They should be shipped, post haste, to a large, snobby primate in Connecticut, USA"?
Seriously, though, I think they'll be fine with a bit of tension backed off--I've had necks sit around for years with no special treatment and then be fine when put back on an instrument...
of course, the instrument was not a GUITAR, but.....
      (Just Kidding!!) I think they'll be just fine.
I think if they're "Pro" series necks, or any neck with a dual-acting truss rod, it matters not. If they have traditional single-acting rods, I'd want to loosen them just a tad to make sure you can always get some relief. Hate for it to settle in place perfectly flat or develop a back-bow.
Thanks guys  :icon_thumright:

Cagey said:
If they have traditional single-acting rods,
I'd want to loosen them just a tad to make sure you can always get some relief.
Hate for it to settle in place perfectly flat or develop a back-bow.
Yep that's what I was thinking Cagey.
Also just in case I sell them, would want them to be ok for the next owner.