
Neck bow ... dissapointed? <UPDATE> Not any more!

Street Avenger said:
What does "sorted it out" mean? I'm curious to know what they did to fix the problem.

"Sorted it out" is primarily British slang for "figured it out" or "resolved it" or "solved the problem", although it implies multiple steps, which most problems have as their cause/resolution. I don't know, but I suspect that Aussies may use the term as well.

As for what they did, I have no idea. But, it's been sorted, so no worries <grin>
Cagey said:
Street Avenger said:
What does "sorted it out" mean? I'm curious to know what they did to fix the problem.
<snip> ... But, it's been sorted, so no worries <grin>

Nicely put Cagey, we'll make an honorary Aussie out of you yet!

...and I have no idea what they did. Gregg said that after they had determined there was a problem they gave it to the neck crew for evaluation ... "They worked on it and let it sit for a couple of days. It now has our desired amount of relief." That's good enough for me  :icon_thumright:
Glad you were able to get some relief. And yes, just knowing that your problems are in the correct order is much much better than disorganized problems.
Stew said:
Nicely put Cagey, we'll make an honorary Aussie out of you yet!

Thanks! I may need sanctuary someday, and Oz seems to be one of the last places that hasn't adopted socialism.