
Nashville Tele Done

nashville teles are like... the evolution of the caster

some special switching would be great
Yeah, I was thinking it was like an updated tele, with the extra pups and the contours. If I was gonna do just one cut, I'd do the forearm because I think it makes the biggest difference in comfort. I'm still open to ideas about switching, just not gonna do stuff I'll never use, like out of phase.  The reason I didn't keep the 'blend volume' for the bridge, in the end, is because turning it to 0 overrode the main volume on the bridge pup, cutting it out completely, so switching pups always involved both messing w/the blend volume knob and the switch. I shoulda got a super switch, that would have made it easier huh.

I'm even happier with the way it plays and feels than how it looks.  This is the best neck I've played on, and once I get the 10.5 strings I've ordered I'll really get it super dialed in and it'll be even better (right now, the neck could use a hair more relief).  I also think the earvana nut is the way to go for me, open chords ring truer and unisons and drone strings sound much clearer. Although, I'm going to have to get it filed down a hair (just a hair).

And yes, CB, it's a monster improvement over the Mighty Mite neck on the other guitar, just like you said a while back. It cost 3x as much but it's 5x better.