The Norwegian Guy said:Dude, if you're going to build something inspired by sambora, you got to have a floyd rose...
I'm going to build a sambora strat in the future, and that guitar demand and deserve a floyd rose!
I totally agree but I said 'inspired' ... I meant the theme: star inlays, HSS with hot Texas Special and warm HB bridge sound more than anything else. The guitar color I picked was never available in a Sambora model (though I've seen the gorgeous SIenna Sunburst) and the Floyd doesn't makes much for the sound.
I don't want to fight with the Floyd just yet, it's gonna go in another more 'shred-oriented' guitar later on.
And that being said, I used the Sambora as a base to start from since I wasn't really that versed into matching pickups and stuff, so this was a tried and true recipe, can't go wrong

But I agree with you, it should have a FLoyd but I don't really see the point on a 'hard-to-reach barely 22 frets' guitar anyway.....