Quantam view is only the second greatest thing ever invented. It is the UPS tracking...you get a code or a link in your e-mail and then, well then you can track your package like nobody's business. You can see when it arrives at each UPS location, and then when they put it on the next truck and so on until that glorious day when they tell you it has been placed on that final truck, the one that is coming to your house. It has to be considered the single greatest thing UPS has ever done for us freaks who have to know when it is going to get here, whether it be that fantastic neck you just ordered from Warmoth or some rare Mersey Beat record that you can't believe you scored off that sucker on E-bay! The only thing you can't track is that one prcise moment that some disgruntled UPS guy kicks your s$%t and ruins your dream.