
My neck cant sit on its heel butt on the neck pocket?


Junior Member
Dear all.... is my first diy.. i wonder how many of you guys experienced this as i cant get my strat licensed fender neck to sit onto the fitting neck pocket on its heep butt....it leaves a small 1mm gap no matter how i sand the sides of the neck pocket... is this really a matter to have the neck heel butt sitted full contact into the fitting neck pocket ?

How many of you here dont at all ? And does it really adds to the tone ?
Thanks guys for the response... its hard to take a shot of a pic with the neck fully in... and i will eleborate where the gap lies with the neck not fully in yet... hope you guys could getta better glimpse of what i am trying to say...

The pic shown where the exact 1mm gap lies marked out in blue circle when i fully press down seated on the pocket... does this 1mm really matters at where it is ?


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Its a musikraft neck and an MJT body... both are fitting as i try matching up at the tip of the heel base of the neck against the body neck cut, it matches very very well but as i starts to slide in the neck it seems like the neck tends to slide moving away from the pocket's heel butt till it finally seated on the neck heel it leaves a 1mm gap showned on the picture....

I kinda eyeballed my neck heel sides as it seems not straight and i found the neck i got at both sides of the heel... it has a very very slight caved out contour...

I tried sanding my body neck pocket sides and more towards the inside of the cavity sides... and also tried sand down the neck heel sides thats caved out abit...

It didnt really help too... well hard to explain thru words... lol
Hmmm.  How do the neck screw holes line up?  Does it intonate like that?

If it lines up and intonates, I'd be tempted to leave it alone.
@Mayfly... thanks for input....

I gotten this neck not predrilled... i went thru a "rush" job in anyway i have drilled in the mounting holes for my neck....

But i can always plug the mounting holes with epoxy resin and redrill the neck again if i could correct the "neck-body" gap?

I haven strung up yet as am still waiting for my tusq nut to arrive....

I have not seen that loose a fit with Warmoth parts. Warmoth necks fit their bodies like they're made for them. Hey! They are... :laughing11:
hopkinWFG said:
How many of the warmoth guys faces this problem with warmoth necks ?

I've never seen anything like that on any of my Warmoth or MJT guitars. The fit on my Warmoth gear is so tight the neck and body have a solid and strong press fit.
I have no idea... seems like the musikraft neck i gotten is not straight as i took a ruler to measure the sides of the neck heel... its middle section is caved out by abit....

Is the neck i describe normal? Am kinda interested in warmoth too but i have no idea if its a dead fit on these with MJT bodies?
The question is how accurate are the MJT bodies? I know their relics are popular but no idea where they source their bodies.

I’ve ordered at least a dozen necks and as many bodies from W and they’re consistently great fits. I assume it’s because they keep their gear and bits in very good shape and minimize hand sanding, or maybe they’re just better about checking things before they ship. Fit fine on Fender bodies excepting cases where Fender itself changes from their standard spec, such as on MIJs and some specific models.

When I start introducing necks from WD, Allparts, and yes MK (who I live very close to), who all make varying degrees decent products, I find that some adjustment tends to be necessary.
I didn't think MJT made bodies. I thought they were painters. So, who knows how true the body dims are?
Wildwood was making MJTs bodies, but with MJT buying USACG, they might’ve already started making them in house. I’ve owned 7 MJT bodies, and never had a problem with fit at all. I’ve also never had any problems with anything warmoth had made. Sounds to me (and this is my opinion and isn’t meant to cause any offense at all) like the only thing it could be is the neck mounting holes.
In your OP you say that it's a Strat style neck, but what style of body is it? Judging by the picture the gap is the type you would get if fitting a Strat neck into a Tele body. In other words, the end of the neck is curved rather than square to the sides. But the neck pocket does not match this shape, it being more like a rectangle with curved corners. Or, am I seeing the pic wrong?
It kinda looked that way to me, too. If that's true and the neck had to be drilled for mounting holes, it may not even intonate correctly.