
My first: Black korina Strat


So i got my first body and neck from warmoth 2 weeks ago, and was impressed at their quality and beauty.

As the additional parts arrived, I have been faced with the challenges of the build!!

which i have to admit wasnt hard at all with all but basic tools, and years under my belt playing the things...

I did have a bit of annoyance with the wiring, but ultimately i think it was a grounding issue, and re-soldered the ground wires and took my time over it. There is stilll a bit of hum when i drop my volume pot down from 100% to 80% then it increase??? but obviously quietens down from below 50%... strange.

I was worried about my saddle heights at first, but it was naivety on my part as the string tension sorted out the difference and all is balanced very low.

I still need to add the strap buttons, and fine tune the setup, but it is playing great already, and sounding as good as id hoped.

The canary neck got the sanding treatment which you suggested, 1000, 1500, 2000 in my case, and is unreal... i dont think i can go back to a finished neck after this. Thanks Updown for the link, and cagey for the input.

The klein s-5's are amazing strat like...stupid comment i know, but its so clear and sounds great when in breakup. Looking forward to exploring more in the tone department, and need to fine tune the heights over time to get it just right. But cant complain.

Before starting this project, I had played a number of Strats, ranging expensive to very expensive, back to back in one sitting with a very transparent Divided By 13 amp, and some were great, and others really not... I was ready to spend, but i left unimpressed... So i decided to take a chance with this build.
I am already very happy, and this guitar feels very alive, and resonates very well.

It will obviously take a while to bed in, and tinker with the setup, but i am genuinely happy so far.

Thanks for all your input, found all the answers i needed from the search!
Here are a few quick snaps.


Looks great! I'd love to see some higher-res photos, though...
That's a fine-looking fiddle! You must be very pleased! Can't buy something like that very easily. Have to go to Fender's "Custom Shop" and pay eleventy bajillion dollars, if they'll do it at all.

I know what you mean about not wanting a finished neck after experiencing a properly done raw one. I never considered such a thing until a few years ago, but now? Phbbt. It's a no-brainer. Don't even have to think about it. And I'm not one to have problems with finished necks, since I don't have hand issues. I actually like finished necks. But, raw ones are much better.