
minor wiring problem


Junior Member
So I just wired my first ever project start to finish....no neck on it yet but I tested it this morning by plugging it in and trying the 5way, pots etc..everything seems in order to my great surprise. Only problem is a buzz when I touch the pickups or controls..not bad but I want to fix it. Kinda like if your bridge was.nt grounded except it buzzes when you touch it instead of UNTIL you touch it...please let me know!
Check that you didn't swap the wires on the jack. It's not always easy to follow which goes where. The one that connects to the tip should be signal, the other one ground.
I think I did that right..would the pickups work at all if I swapped the connections?
Yes they would. The other possibility that I would think of is that not all ground wires are connected together at some point. If you follow the wiring from the bridge ground lead, you should wind up at the ground terminal on the jack, going through only wire, not via a cap or different pot terminals. Can you post the schematic that you used?
Yup here it is... I grounded most everything to a central ground, not to the pots. The bridge is grounded well for sure...I have'nt had time to fiddle with it yet. Just did'nt want to chase my own tail, try and eliminate things that would NOT cause it.