Meanwhile, at Warmoth: another sweepstakes!


Somewhere in the middle of nowhere.
Staff member
Hey everybody, Warmoth is having another giveaway. We're calling this one the "Body of Mystery Sweepstakes". Enter here:

Basically, you vote for one of four bodies. At the end one winner is randomly chosen, and their prize is whichever body won the poll (not necessarily the one they voted for).



  • FacebookAnnouncement.jpg
    130 KB · Views: 433
Getting an error message, same as last time.

User opted out of platform: The action attempted is disallowed, because the user has opted out of Facebook platform.

I have facebook open in another browser window, so I'm pretty sure this is bumping up against privacy settings.
I can't complete a choice, either. The lower two choices aren't even fully displayed.
You have to check the box in your Privacy Settings that says "I agree to name all my children Zuckerberg"
Ok, so I tried using another browser - Opera - and it let me get farther. But, then it wanted me to subscribe to Facebook or I couldn't enter. So, thanks, but no thanks. Not going to compromise my computer for a prize that small. Maybe if it was a Lamborghini with some spare cash for a new IP address....
Cagey said:
Maybe if it was a Lamborghini with some spare cash for a new IP address....
I think that's in the next drawing. :icon_biggrin:
I'm in!  I think?! Seems like it.

I choose Regal.

A Les Paul style body with a Strat headstock = super cool
Cederick said:
I'm in!  I think?! Seems like it.

I choose Regal.

A Les Paul style body with a Strat headstock = super cool
Good choice. I also chose the Regal but was thinking of maybe the Snakehead. However, I like your idea better. Especially with the Angled Strat headstock.
I'm probably gonna win because the soloist is the only one I would want, and i would prefer it without a carved top.
When does this end, by the way? Can't seem to find anything about it.
Cederick said:
When does this end, by the way? Can't seem to find anything about it.

Look closely at the image in the first post, and you will find the information you seek.  :headbang: