
Meanwhile, at Warmoth: a new video about the mystery hole!


Somewhere in the middle of nowhere.
Staff member
Everything you always wanted to know about the Warmoth hole of mystery!

People would immediately start complaining about what a drag (get it?) it is to have to take the neck off every time they want access to their weed. Then we would have to do R&D on a new neck with the weed compartment on the headstock.

Between my wife and being a NJ resident, what I actually need these days is a pile of weed I can hide my new guitars in
LOL. Not sure what the sitch is in NJ, but here in WA weed stores are everywhere. Unmissable.

I bet within a 5 mile radius of Warmoth there are at least a dozen, and it's like that everywhere.

It's kind of a drag how many such joints there are, but I figure some will eventually get weeded out. Puff....they will go up in smoke, and be ganja for good.
It's just been legalized and they're working on the details, but it's not quite up and running the state is on the slow side. The local bodega is now a Puff N' Go (in case you need a bong with your lotto tickets and gallon of overpriced milk), they're talking applications for people to run weed shops, that sort of deal.

Not my thing, but friend's kid just sold a car he devalued by about $10k due to the horrid smell nobody could get rid of. His 1st new car, paid it off in 3 years flat, landed in the most favorable used car seller's market ever. Fairly bright kid but really struggled to wrap his head around why it was that big a deal to buyers for a lower-mileage late model car.
Added context, his old man told me kid tried to private sale at the house at first, before any detailing, and not one of the first three people to come by ever actually sat in the vehicle. 
Not saying I have never tried, or that I didn’t inhale: but it wasn’t ever my thing.  Those into it don’t realize how much they reek of it, even worse than the odor of cigarettes with chain smokers.
The Aaron said:
LOL. Not sure what the sitch is in NJ, but here in WA weed stores are everywhere. Unmissable.

I bet within a 5 mile radius of Warmoth there are at least a dozen, and it's like that everywhere.

It's kind of a drag how many such joints there are, but I figure some will eventually get weeded out. Puff....they will go up in smoke, and be ganja for good.
Catnip isn't just appealing to cats, it triggers a high. I've heard it described as pot for cats, but I briefly had a cat (couldn't get along with his sister after they'd grown into adults separately) She had the typical reaction. When I waved it in front of his nose it was more like Meth for cats. Claws and teeth both sunk into my fingers about the same time.
No reason to hide it if you are partaking here in WA state. 

The hole is where I hide the rolled up piece of paper with my online passwords.  Can't remember those to save my life!