Mayfly: Just launched a new pedal!


Epic Member
Yep - this is blatant self-promotion. You have been warned.

I just launched a new pedal! It's an Amp Simulator called the Sunrise. It emulates a Fender Blackface style amp, including reverb. And it sounds glorious.
The idea is that it lives on the end of your pedalboard to allow you to bypass it when using an amp, but plug directly into the PA when you're not. It's also great for recording, and by some twist of fate or luck, it also sounds great on Bass Guitar!

Here it is:
IMG_0179 cropped squareLoRes.jpg

And here's more information including sound samples:
I got to try one and can confirm that it's a fantastic emulation of the Fender blackface sound. The reverb is outstanding! Much better than anything I've heard from Tech21.
So it functions as a pre-amp like a sans amp, but it has better black face emulation and a better reverb? Gotta look into this. I have a GT2 that nails the Marchall / Fuzz sound, but it lacks the blackface and reverb, it gets close to the tweed sound, but not exactly, and I'm finding the black face with 'verb useful all around.
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Trevor, as you know Fractals, is the emulator as good as the Fractal BF tone?
Actually extend that question to Aaron as well.
Well even on the phone, I’m basically take my money now. That, a ts9 type clone, and a MITB will cover 99%. It’s me so I need to add a volume pedal: well and compression and a chorus, and wait a delay

Oh that’s right I already have a delay/chrorus and a MITB (a few analog pieces I kept through the decades).

Where’s my pay increase as I’ve spent a ton in the past 72 hrs (2 soon to be 3 acquisitions inbound).
Trevor, as you know Fractals, is the emulator as good as the Fractal BF tone?
Actually extend that question to Aaron as well.
Hey Rick, I like it a lot better for what I'm doing. I like to set the volume pretty high so that it breaks up when you play hard, but cleans up when you back off. I like riding that edge of distortion - and the Fractal just does not seem to handle that.

Having said that, my main beta testers all use it set pretty clean - and it's designed to give you a little bit of squish even when running clean. The Fractal does not seem to do that either. YMMV and all that.
Hi Rick et all,
I just got off the phone with the manager of Steve's Music here in town. Steve's is the largest 'cool' music store chain in Eastern Canada with stores in Ottawa, Montreal, and Toronto. Anyway, I had dropped a prototype Sunrise off for them to evaluate last week. I gave them a call today and Dan (the manager) was absolutely raving about the Sunrise. He's usually very busy, but he yakked my ear off about it for a good 15 minutes. Here's some of what he said:

"It's better than the Universal Audio Sim!"
"It's fenderish, but it also has that grind when you crank it!"
"Everyone in the store has tried it and they all agree - you hit the nail on the head with this one."
"I'm sending it to head office - they are going to be floored!"
"I know a guy in Montreal who does reviews and has blah-blah followers and blah-blah reach. Can I loan it to him? He's gonna love it! He'll do a video comparing it with the UA sim and all the other ones!"
"Stand by for our first order as soon as I clear it with HQ..."


And just when I got off the phone, one of my other dealers here in town (Cicada Sound - who I also gave a prototype Sunrise to) placed an order that will pretty much clean me out of the first production run. Just placed an order for boards for the next run.

I think I might have a winner here...

BTW Aaron: the final version has just a leeeetle more gain than the one you have. The way folks are talking it was an improvement :)
If you nailed the blackface sound, as good as the SnsAmp nails the Mashall w/ fuzz, plus it has reverb, and it overdrives like a blackface, plus it has dwell for the reverb, there are going to be a lot of people with ears perked up.
Does the amp simulator have IRs or some other cab sim in it to use with FRFR and can it be used as preamp type pedal also?