
So, went to a "Pedal Party" the other nite.


Master Member
This was sorta like a "Tupperware Party for guitar players".

Peter Rutter, from VFE Pedals, handmade in Puyallup, showcased some of his pedals, and while some weren't necessarily my cup of tea, many others were.

He has a great attention to detail.

It was cool because there were about 8-10 guitar players with their own guitar playing varied styles of music, including a violinist and a cello player.  The amp that all the pedals were plugged into was a Fender Princeton 2x12 combo.

My favorite so far is the Pale Horse, and the Triumvirate both of which are overdrive pedals tailored more for the vintage/modded Marshall guys..  The Pale Horse is along the Tube Screamer vibe, but with some added features.  The Triumbirate is borrowing from a multiband compressor and applying that to an overdrive pedal.  You can add/subtract bass/mid/treble individually and then sum the 3 settings back together at the output stage.  I liked how you can really clean up certain nuances of your overdriven sound with this pedal.

The Blueprint is a very nice delay with a max delay time of .600 miliseconds, with an added pitch modulation feature that is subtle but sweetly fattens up the delayed signal slightly.

The Enterprise is a Phaser with lots of different setting features to it.

The cello player came in thinking that he really wasn't sure why he was there as he plays in a traditional orchestral setting.  By the time he was finally convinced to plug in and check it out, he was using a slight overdrive ( I don't remember which) into an Enterprise Phaser and a Blueprint delay.  In a matter of seconds, a twinkle of inspiration came to his eye as he went off into some kind of Page/Gilmour territory playing these interesting lines so full of energy & passion.  It was a real treat to witness.

I love the vibe that this event has, and I think its a great way of getting musicians together to inspire each other, as well as market your products in a "No Pressure" environment.

There was a give away at the end of the night and a buddy of mine won a Vintage Fuzz/Octave pedal.
That's the other thing, this guy can build you a pedal from the ground up.  He had a really cool pedal that had 3 effects in one housing, with dip switches so you can change the order of the signal flow from effect to effect, and even had send/return jacks so you could route other effects into it.

It's all analog, not a digital microchip anywhere, and completely true bypass.

Check out the website, listen/watch the youtube vids.

A Tupperware party for guitar players? Who all had a guitar with them? That had to be like herding cats <grin>

It is an interesting idea, though.

But, the answer to every amp/pedal question has already been answered: Get an AxeFX II.
6 guitars, a cello, an electric violin, and a swedish instrument sorta like a hurdy gurdy.

About 8 people all together, everyone was easily corralled, nice & orderly, I think mostly due to the smaller numbers.

It was a real treat.
Sounds like a southern rock band waiting to happen, 8 guitar players in a room.
Cagey said:
A Tupperware party for guitar players? Who all had a guitar with them? That had to be like herding cats <grin>

It is an interesting idea, though.

But, the answer to every amp/pedal question has already been answered: Get an AxeFX II.

that rocks! I love pedals, sounds like a good time. I was looking at some of his pedals, I'm definitely interested in the "Pale Horse OD", and the "Rocket EQ" :headbang:

AxeFx II... PSH...