
Man oh man I wish Warmoth offered this wood choice

I wish W would always have in the showcase *all* major body styles (s, t, lp, sg, vip, Solo, x, v, j, fire and ice) in at least  one ea (solid or topped) of *all* the non basic woods (bk, walnut, koa, plain maple, Rosewood, Padouk) But also the super exotics (bubinga, lacewood, zebra, wenge)

Insurmountable GAS.
That cypress wood reminds me of the time that Tom D and I were re-sawing rough sawn cypress logs on the big band saw we had.  That saw, btw, was HUGE, over at Fred B's shop.  The spindles were 10" on center, and the wheels were three feet around.  That left a HUGE 7 feet from the bottom of the top wheel, to the top of the bottom wheel.  IOW, this thing could easily, without even blinking, saw someone in two WHILE THEY WERE STANDING UP!  My real fear of that thing was not getting munched, as it was a low speed blade, and fairly low feed speed machine.  I think we set the feeder to about... I dunno it depended on the wood... cypress maybe 3/4 inchs a second or so.

Anyway, we were cutting 5/4 planks off these logs and came across a big void in one.  Voids in cypress are not unusual, and the cypress we had, was so wet that it flying water spray off the saw.  What WAS unusual was the pure white frog that jumped out of the void!  It was maybe 2 inches across and 3 long... pure white from no light.  Had dark eyes, not albino I guess... just had a sheltered life in a void in the wood.  What it ate I have no clue.  Maybe the passage it got in there through was letting some stuff crawl in.  That void was a good ways into the log too, not right at the surface.  Very very freaky to say the least, as Tom and I were working after our day jobs, and had run of the shop at night (roughshod over the prisoners who did night work for the shop). 

Ah those was the days....
=CB= said:
That cypress wood reminds me of the time that Tom D and I were re-sawing rough sawn cypress logs on the big band saw we had.  That saw, btw, was HUGE, over at Fred B's shop.  The spindles were 10" on center, and the wheels were three feet around.  That left a HUGE 7 feet from the bottom of the top wheel, to the top of the bottom wheel.  IOW, this thing could easily, without even blinking, saw someone in two WHILE THEY WERE STANDING UP!   My real fear of that thing was not getting munched, as it was a low speed blade, and fairly low feed speed machine.  I think we set the feeder to about... I dunno it depended on the wood... cypress maybe 3/4 inchs a second or so.

Anyway, we were cutting 5/4 planks off these logs and came across a big void in one.  Voids in cypress are not unusual, and the cypress we had, was so wet that it flying water spray off the saw.  What WAS unusual was the pure white frog that jumped out of the void!  It was maybe 2 inches across and 3 long... pure white from no light.  Had dark eyes, not albino I guess... just had a sheltered life in a void in the wood.  What it ate I have no clue.  Maybe the passage it got in there through was letting some stuff crawl in.  That void was a good ways into the log too, not right at the surface.   Very very freaky to say the least, as Tom and I were working after our day jobs, and had run of the shop at night (roughshod over the prisoners who did night work for the shop).  

Ah those was the days....

It ate toneworms, lol.   :icon_jokercolor:
I posted some time ago about Amboyna burl. That stuff looks amazing!


Foot Long Schlong said:
I posted some time ago about Amboyna burl. That stuff looks amazing!


I just ordered 3 Amboyna Burl pen blanks. They should actually be delivered in today's mail. :blob7:
I can't wait to make pens with them.

I had a wild idea the other day- Since Amboyna Burl is the burl of a Padouk tree, how about a guitar with a Padouk neck paired with an Amboyna Burl-topped body? :icon_biggrin:

Also, for the love of God, Peter, change your display name! :sad:
line6man said:
Also, for the love of God, Peter, change your display name! :sad:

No kidding. And what's with the unrequited love for Chuck Norris? I mean, I'm sure he's a great guy and all, but does he really need his dick sucked in public? He's already famous. Hero worship is one thing, but a little discretion would be in order, I would think.
Cagey said:
line6man said:
Also, for the love of God, Peter, change your display name! :sad:

No kidding. And what's with the unrequited love for Chuck Norris? I mean, I'm sure he's a great guy and all, but does he really need his dick sucked in public? He's already famous. Hero worship is one thing, but a little discretion would be in order, I would think.

I rooted out the source of the lovely Amboyna Burl bass pix that Footlong Wookie posted, it's a Wyn Guitars bass:
He certainly has some luscious little square pictures of a bunch of neat woods - I wounder how many little squares it takes to make a whole bass? :icon_scratch:

The sapwood streaky stuff has never twanged me much, but I can certainly get behind wenge's "warm rounded bottom." Hmmm, I know I've got my wookie in here somewhars.... He also is the first guy I've ever seen who has "AAAAA" grade maple, yes, five A's! Tho, a search turns up an ever increasing amount.... by the time I can afford it I'll probably just get like an AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA grade top. Why not.
stubhead said:
I rooted out the source of the lovely Amboyna Burl bass pix that Footlong Wookie posted, it's a Wyn Guitars bass:
He certainly has some luscious little square pictures of a bunch of neat woods - I wounder how many little squares it takes to make a whole bass? :icon_scratch:

The sapwood streaky stuff has never twanged me much, but I can certainly get behind wenge's "warm rounded bottom." Hmmm, I know I've got my wookie in here somewhars.... He also is the first guy I've ever seen who has "AAAAA" grade maple, yes, five A's! Tho, a search turns up an ever increasing amount.... by the time I can afford it I'll probably just get like an AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA grade top. Why not.

line6man said:
stubhead said:
And that other bass looks like puke. I mean, it really looks like puke. :icon_scratch: What nasty wood. I would pay someone to take it out of my house, not into.

I ranted about this the other day.

Certain woods look like a big pile of vomit, and when you think about it, is it really all that different?
Wood is the dried out, cut up material from a living organism. It comes as no surprise that some woods even smell like vomit when you cut them up.

Speaking of vomit-woods- I found this on eBay. :sad:

That thing is absolutely nasty. I would never buy such an ugly piece of wood. :tard: