
Man oh man I wish Warmoth offered this wood choice


Junior Member

The bodies are just amazing.
Warmoth has some burl woods every now and than, but haven't seen the marbelized burl from W. it looks too much like a fungus to me tho...

The water cured redwood is not that spectacular..

now how about some water cured Cypress ;)

Märkeaux said:
Warmoth has some burl woods every now and than, but haven't seen the marbelized burl from W. it looks too much like a fungus to me tho...

The water cured redwood is not that spectacular..

now how about some water cured Cypress ;)

Gee, what did you 'shoot' that Cypress with, one of Dangerous' friends?..Looks like it was modded with an AK47.
I love Buckeye Burl, but I hear that it is sonically dead.
For that matter, I would imagine that most any burl wood would be sonically dead, as well, due to the structure of the wood.

That mineral-filled wood doesn't sound too good to me. Teak is a very hard wood that's great for ship's planks, but it's a lousy wood for musical instruments because the voids are basically filled with clay - it'd be like soaking swamp ash in epoxy or something. It's murder on saw blades, becuase clay is mostly very fine sand.

The line about "used to cure violin woods in Europe" is a bit off, too. In one of my little tangents, I read up on the lexicon of books about "the secrets" of Stradivarius and Guarneri. Most experts concur that there was no "secret wood" or secret varnish or anything else - they just did a whole lot of different little details better than anyone else.

Hmmm - next time you read about the secret wiring or the magic pickups..... :icon_scratch:

And that other bass looks like puke. I mean, it really looks like puke. :icon_scratch: What nasty wood. I would pay someone to take it out of my house, not into.
stubhead said:
And that other bass looks like puke. I mean, it really looks like puke. :icon_scratch: What nasty wood. I would pay someone to take it out of my house, not into.

I ranted about this the other day.

Certain woods look like a big pile of vomit, and when you think about it, is it really all that different?
Wood is the dried out, cut up material from a living organism. It comes as no surprise that some woods even smell like vomit when you cut them up.
line6man said:
It comes as no surprise that some woods even smell like vomit when you cut them up.

Every once in a while I'll get some red oak that when cut, I could swear had been stored in some humongous monster's armpit. Just raunchy.
Cagey said:
line6man said:
It comes as no surprise that some woods even smell like vomit when you cut them up.

Every once in a while I'll get some red oak that when cut, I could swear had been stored in some humongous monster's armpit. Just raunchy.

One wood that is particularly horrible is Thinwin. It smells like hot, dry dog shite! (Literally.) The smell stays on your hands when you cut it, too. It's hard to get it off you. :tard:
It's a weird wood, though. It looks like Wenge heartwood, tan and brown colored. It polishes up to a bright yellow, like Canary, and goes gray when you sand too hard. (IME. I've only worked with it once, but I have a bunch of it.)

Purpleheart and Zebrawood are funky too.
Some people like the smell of Bloodwood, but I don't. It smells like funky cinnamon.
I do kind of like the smell of Bocote. It's earthy.

Worst of all is stabilized wood. Working with it (IME) is like being in a nail salon full of nasty chemicals. :sad:
OzziePete said:
Märkeaux said:
Warmoth has some burl woods every now and than, but haven't seen the marbelized burl from W. it looks too much like a fungus to me tho...

The water cured redwood is not that spectacular..

now how about some water cured Cypress ;)

Gee, what did you 'shoot' that Cypress with, one of Dangerous' friends?..Looks like it was modded with an AK47.

Already has that "aged" look all the guitar company's are trying to pass off as chic.
And you thought BK had toneworms - that looks like an episode of Tremors.
it is from this guy;

I do like that he is using alternative / local texan woods, but yes, that cheesewood is pretty bad looking.. same for the body shape..

hmmmm spalted pecan!!


in fact, I don't like the body shapes at all, but some of those top woods are pretty nice. like the texas ebony, figured mesquite, bois d’arc


What I would really like to see Warmoth offer is Pink Ivory fingerboards.
I know, it's rare and expensive, so perhaps just a couple of gallery pieces every once in a while, certainly not a standard offering.  I just want to see someone build a Warmoth with a nice Pink Ivory board. :blob7:

line6man said:
What I would really like to see Warmoth offer is Pink Ivory fingerboards.
I know, it's rare and expensive, so perhaps just a couple of gallery pieces every once in a while, certainly not a standard offering.  I just want to see someone build a Warmoth with a nice Pink Ivory board. :blob7:

Warmoth can work with customer supplied wood given the right dimensions and wood quality.  Talk to sales.  You might be able to buy the wood yourself and have something made.
Wyliee said:
line6man said:
What I would really like to see Warmoth offer is Pink Ivory fingerboards.
I know, it's rare and expensive, so perhaps just a couple of gallery pieces every once in a while, certainly not a standard offering.  I just want to see someone build a Warmoth with a nice Pink Ivory board. :blob7:

Warmoth can work with customer supplied wood given the right dimensions and wood quality.  Talk to sales.  You might be able to buy the wood yourself and have something made.

I thought you guys were always against using customer-supplied woods because they slow production and cannot be properly warrantied?
That's awesome!