Looking for Canadian-friendly tool alternative


Junior Member

It is too expensive as a Canadian to order this tool and looking for other options. Would the following tools work well? I'm unsure how important the angle (45 degrees for the StewMac vs 82 degrees and unknown for the alternatives) or cutter geometry is for chamfering holes drilled in the body.



I can also search Canadian Amazon if need be.
Any sort of countersink tool should work for that purpose. It would only need a couple of turns by hand.
stratamania said:
Any sort of countersink tool should work for that purpose. It would only need a couple of turns by hand.

Mayfly said:

Thanks guys, you two are invaluable to this community from my observations and appreciated, in case people planning their first build such as myself haven't mentioned it enough.

There is a Lee Valley about 15 minutes away from my work. Never been there, guess I know how to kill my lunch hour today.
justsomeguy1 said:
There is a Lee Valley about 15 minutes away from my work. Never been there, guess I know how to kill my lunch hour today.

Beware!  Lee Valley is a strangely addictive place....

... don't ask me how I know...
I saw this on the Aaron's two neck vid.

I got one at costco, haven't tried it yet, cost like 9 bucks, usa.  Got the 3/8 size since the angle on all the Home Depot units were 82 degrees.  What's the diff if it's 3/8 or 3/4, eh? Going to use it for removing a little bit of paint around screw holes.  I think it has 5 cutting edges.  I'll experiment first, but I've gone thru life without thus far, so it's no biggie if it fails.
justsomeguy1 said:
stratamania said:
Any sort of countersink tool should work for that purpose. It would only need a couple of turns by hand.

Mayfly said:

Thanks guys, you two are invaluable to this community from my observations and appreciated, in case people planning their first build such as myself haven't mentioned it enough.

There is a Lee Valley about 15 minutes away from my work. Never been there, guess I know how to kill my lunch hour today.

Thanks for the feedback. Appreciate it... :eek:ccasion14:

Good find Mayfly on the Lee Valley tool.