
Lil Rick Velocity

What is the procedure? It looks interesting.
I raised the grain with rubbing alcohol, let sit overnight. Then took a propane torch to it. Then a wire brush back and forth and back and forth and back and forth to remove the char, but leaving the grain highlighted. I am going to do more to get the in between stuff back to light wood color to take wood dye.
Thanks for the explanation. Do you find that alcohol works better than water to raise grain? I've never tried it.
I never played a guitar where the surface was roughened. Is it comfortable? Or does it end up being flat with a zebra pattern?
I'd do something to show the grain. Amber dye? Followed by clear. The problem is, it would be subtle and the spudmeister is over the top. I'm watching this one.
I'd do something to show the grain. Amber dye? Followed by clear. The problem is, it would be subtle and the spudmeister is over the top. I'm watching this one.
Oh it MAY be subtle, understated, and sophisticated.