Keep trolling ebay for used Duncan / Dimarzio / etc. pickups, you can usually pick up a pair of good humbuckers for $100 or so, that should help with costs. GFS makes inexpensive pickups too, some people love them. Pickups are easy to change later on, anyhow.
Tuners can be a good deal on Ebay too, Stew mac has the specs for the major brands, or just get the Gotoh sg38 that Warmoth sells, they are great for non-locking. Maple neck with a homespun finish adds character too.
Remember that if you don't know how to set up a guitar, including nut work, you need to either learn, and get a few simple tools, or pay someone who may or may not be a slacker hack disguised as a "luthier". Just thought I'd throw that out.