

Epic Member
So my wife and I rent the Lemmy documentary, and I mention "you know - it's about motorhead". 

So we're watching it, and Lemmy is doing the stuff that Lemmy does, and a bunch of older rockers from Metallica and Anthrax etc are talking about how great Motorhead is and this and that.  And then my wife says:

"Oh - I thought it was about RADIOHEAD!"

Nightclub Dwight said:
Thats like finding out the Tapas Restaurant isn't a topless restaurant.

Actually,it's like finding out the topless restaurant isn't a tapas restaurant.  It IS Motorhead we're talking about here.

That would be so confusing at first.  "Wow, I've never even heard this 'Ace of Spades' song... was this before they recorded Pablo Honey?"
First of all, that's a great story about the Radiohead thing, I spit out my beer laughing. But Lemmy is no doubt an interesting and down to earth guy, from what I've seen. However the music of Motorhead is no where near as great as some make it out to be, much like the Greatful Dead. Never really cared for either... :doh:
DangerousR6 said:
First of all, that's a great story about the Radiohead thing, I spit out my beer laughing. But Lemmy is no doubt an interesting and down to earth guy, from what I've seen. However the music of Motorhead is no where near as great as some make it out to be, much like the Greatful Dead. Never really cared for either... :doh:

Definitely in agreement here.  Don't get me wrong, Motorhead has written some great songs, and I have one of their "greatest hits" records, but aside from that, I haven't heard anything I liked to warrant going out and purchasing a Motorhead record, kinda like with Led Zeppelin.  They had some amazing songs, but I just can't really consider myself a fan.

As for the Grateful Dead, I don't understand the attraction.  A lot of people like and liked them, so they must've done something right, but I guess I just fail to see it.
Different people, different taste... Every album they made with their first and classic lineup is great, I can listen to it from beginning to the end. I like their albums till the early 90's, I believe they should have ended but it's never gonna happen as long as Lemmy is alive. He's one of the last guys who does not do it just for money. He is addicted to the R'N'R lifestyle and he loves touring. If you read his lyrics you will see that clear. He is a great lyricist, one of my favorites in the hard rock/metal scene.

Whether we like Motorhead or not they influenced a lot of metal bands especially in the 80's. Thrash exists mostly because of Venom & Motorhead, at least the Thrash of 80's I know and like.
Funny story. Motor ... radio ... they sound the same.

I saw "Lemmy" at Cinema Village in New York when it came out. I enjoyed it for the most part, but I did leave thinking: "God, that was long; it could have been half as long and been twice as good." A lot of idol worship, which got kind of old after a while.

I think the guy's made his contribution, by far. He's earned his place in the pantheon of musicians -- mostly for his influence, as opposed to his musicianship -- but the documentary just seemed more and more sad the longer it wore on. When not making music, the guy plays quiz games at a local bar and goes home, alone, to an apartment rife with Nazi memorabilia. Not exactly the life to which I'd aspire.

It's great that he still tours and surely that's enjoyable, but the fringe benefits thereof ... like signing some skank's boobs with a Sharpie or being regaled by greasy, pimple-faced fanboys ... I think the novelty of that would wear off for me by the time I'm 60. Good for him, though, if that still does it for him.

"Ace of Spades" is a great tune, though. And I think his cover of "Cat Scratch Fever" beats Nugent's original, hands down.
reluctant-builder said:
... like signing some skank's boobs with a Sharpie ...

did you see the bit where she had it turned into a tattoo?  Imagine - Lemmy's signature permanently tattooed to your boob.  How's that gonna look in the old age home  :icon_biggrin:
Mayflown said:
reluctant-builder said:
... like signing some skank's boobs with a Sharpie ...

did you see the bit where she had it turned into a tattoo?  Imagine - Lemmy's signature permanently tattooed to your boob.   How's that gonna look in the old age home  :icon_biggrin:

I dunno, I think it will make for a better story than "we went to the gulf with my cousin Louis."
Just spotted him the other day in the movie "Airheads." He was a member of the crowd outside the radio station. Seen the movie plenty of times but never noticed who it was!
speaking of the R&R lifestyle,  Check this out:


I'm not saying the rock and roll lifestyle doesn't have its benefits  :icon_biggrin: ... but maybe I'm way off-base in thinking -- after that long living the lifestyle -- that an intimate, as opposed to casual, relationship would be nice.
That girl in the picture has two heads and one of them's really ugly... I guess she's never lonely though.