
latest finished build project black korina


Senior Member
well it turned out nice  :icon_thumright:alot like i was hopeing for .like i said in the otb forum . it has a warmoth kws neck with wolfgang contour 6105 frets  1 piece black korina body with a combo of teak oil and final coats of tung oil. it has an emg 81 pickup and a ping trem {.by the way these are the best} and schaller tuners . here is the pics :rock-on
hey kostas put up a couple of large pics of your body in the out of the box forum .id like to see it. looks like it will be a really nice build ive been eyeballing these spalted maple tops awhile
Very nice I want to do something like that some day with a soloist body a 24 fret extension and a staggered humbucker in the bridge position. With a reverse KWS headstock.
WarmothRules said:
Very nice I want to do something like that some day with a soloist body a 24 fret extension and a staggered humbucker in the bridge position. With a reverse KWS headstock.
thanks ive got some of the parts to build one like your talking about i have a esp 80s reverse headstock and a steve steven usa washburn body with two direct mount to the body humbuckers im in the middle of paintig it like a george lynch kamakazi relic its alot of work to put that camo job on it.
cool!  I LOVE EMG's too.  It's almost like wearing your hair long or a leather jacket or something. (pissing off the old folks)

I'm really looking into pickup options on my Korina strat though.  Either a Duncan Distortion or a Dimebucker in the bridge and a Lil 59 or Hotrails in the neck with a 3 way and a volume knob.

thumb55 said:
cool!  I LOVE EMG's too.  It's almost like wearing your hear long or a leather jacket or something. (pissing off the old folks)

I'm really looking into pickup options on my Korina strat though.  Either a Duncan Distortion or a Dimebucker in the bridge and a Lil 59 or Hotrails in the neck with a 3 way and a volume knob.

thats kinda how i feel about it also kinda a zakk wild thing i guess. i tried a duncan custom-5 trembucker in it and it sounded just as good. the emg had a little more harmonics. and i was wanting a total 80s shred machine. so this was the outcome
There is a REALLY long list of EMG guys that have the best guitar tones. (or at least ones Ilike)

Stepnen Carpenter (Deftones)
Jon Donais (Shadows Fall)
Killswitch Engange (Stroetzel/Dutkiewicz)
Matt Heafy (Trivium)

I'm sure there is more......

I see a pattern here...all VERY heavy bands...
Thats a good looking piece of Black Korina, nice and solid, almost straight Korina, the finish looks great!!!, love the all black hardware, nice job!  :icon_thumright:
thanks beast :toothy12: but i learned something about black korina on this build that i diddnt know before i had one this species of wood has awsome tone.this guitar is meaty sounding even with the 81 emg midrange. i watched this body for awhile in the show case just wondering what korina sounded like. and i wanted one striped kinda like kingwood
Hey Toys, I know what you mean, just the other day I had a couple days of no play and picked up my guitar, and Wow! I was tripping at how beefy it sounded, I had been so busy tweeking the set up and messing with my processors that I hadn't really got to know the guitar all that well yet.
Much to my surprise The Black Korina is really living up to the hype, and I wasn't so sure if all the hype was just that or if it really did have a magical tone, as Warmoth describes it in some body descrips........after hearing Ed Roman's rant talking crap about it, (of course in good ole Ed Roman fashion : after having talked it up to pure heaven).
I was thinking geeze maybe I shoulda went Mahogany, but no sirree.......I feel very Lucky to have made the choices I did on my first build, because this baby has got more beef than a Live Stock show in Fort Worth Texas!!!!!!!!!!....heheheheheehe.........O.K. ., O.K. .....well maybe not that much beef but Darned if this sucker don't sound mighty Gibson like at times..........which is really sweet when ya dig alot of Strat players, like Stevie Ray, and Rory Gallagher, but love to hear the power of a Zak Wylde or Randy Rhoads .........hell Black Korina too me is mighty Rock and Roll, maybe even better than Mahogany in its versatility..............
Something tells me your Black Korina is gonna get a whole lotta play time, especially when you start to notice that Magical tone.........It sounds great on lead lines, and especially sweet; I have found for bluesy licks with the tone rolled all the way back........what a trip......... :party07:  its better every day.............. :laughing7:
That's awesome, I wanna Build one just like it. I am also a fan of the KWS headstock, many I guess are not, it sure fits the look of that guitar.

Do you like the EMG in it?

I didn't know how good korina looked till I got to this Forum

i wanted  a verry hi gain d tuned 80s kinda sound so the emg sounds the best for that. i tried 4-5 pickups in it the duncan custom 5 trembucker had better all around tone. but this was the sound i was looking for.
Hey Toys, That EMG is a passive pickup? no batteries needed? 

You mention it doesn't have the Tone of other pickups, but has the sound you like,  I am a fan of the VanHalen  DLR era, would I like that pickup?

Just looking at your axe makes me wanna play Panama :guitaristgif:

Thanks  John
hey al no its not passive its active and van halen wouldnt like this one its super high gain it has a zakk wild sound .