
Kind of urgent: I need advice.

Big V

Senior Member
All right, guys. I've just been to a music store here in Spain, and I've found a KRAMER, the one that looks like the Jackson soloist(only cooler). It has HSS, the H is angled.it also has a Floyd Rose.

Thing is: This guitar has seen better days(it's second hand). There is some rust, and the sound is a little scratchy(the guy aaid he'll fix it, no fee). The price he gave me was 380 Euros, which really isn't that much, but my parents are still sceptical. What do you guys say? I have the money, and it costs less than my Ibanez ART 300 did.

What should I do? Buy or leave?

*I appologize for eventual typos, I'm on my ipod.*
It's tough to say. I found a page online with a pile of them for sale, and none of them are more than $400, most much less. What few reviews I've read call them inconsistent, mainly because of poor Floyd installations. Apparently, it's a fairly low-quality guitar, so at $380 euros it may be a tad overpriced. But, European pricing is funny because of the usurious taxing situation over there, so maybe it's a better deal than it sounds like.

None of that really matters, though. If you like how it sounds/plays and it appeals to you aesthetically, then you should have it. To hell with what everybody else thinks.
Often, when one is faced with a deal that is urgent (ie you are in a foreign city you don't normally visit, or some other scenario) the urgency of the situation can cloud your judgement. 

If this guitar was available at your local music store for that price, would you buy it or think about it for awhile?  If it isn't something you'd buy right away I advise walking away.  Don't let the urgency influence you into buying something that you normally wouldn't.
Nightclub Dwight said:
Often, when one is faced with a deal that is urgent (ie you are in a foreign city you don't normally visit, or some other scenario) the urgency of the situation can cloud your judgement. 

If this guitar was available at your local music store for that price, would you buy it or think about it for awhile?  If it isn't something you'd buy right away I advise walking away.  Don't let the urgency influence you into buying something that you normally wouldn't.
That is so true.
Thing is, i wrote urgent, but I have a few days to decide, so it isn't like one of those "OMG, if you don't decide now, you're going to die, LOL"-moments.
Also, this is quite a rare find, at least in Norway. I don't know about original price, but I find it quite funky. Thanks for making me think twice, though!
Märkeaux said:
Is it MIA, MIJ. Korean  or Chinese?
I have no idea.  :icon_tongue:
Cagey said:
It's tough to say. I found a page online with a pile of them for sale, and none of them are more than $400, most much less. What few reviews I've read call them inconsistent, mainly because of poor Floyd installations. Apparently, it's a fairly low-quality guitar, so at $380 euros it may be a tad overpriced. But, European pricing is funny because of the usurious taxing situation over there, so maybe it's a better deal than it sounds like.

None of that really matters, though. If you like how it sounds/plays and it appeals to you aesthetically, then you should have it. To hell with what everybody else thinks.

I think it sounded better than my current guitar. The floyd seemed quite proper, didn't feel any weirdness there. It looked awesome, nice color (already some relicing, too! :icon_tongue:). But, most important, as you said, Cagey, it felt awesome. The only thing was that it was a bit rusty, but, as I said, that will be fixed.

On the price-matter, it was second hand, and the guy said that he didn't win any money on it, but it was important for him to get it played by a guitarist again.

Aww, what the heck, I think I'll buy it. :blob7: I liked its MOJO :toothy11:
Big V - AKA "The other guy from Norway" said:
Aww, what the heck, I think I'll buy it. :blob7: I liked its MOJO :toothy11:

There you go. Merry Christmas to you, eh? <grin>
Cagey said:
Big V - AKA "The other guy from Norway" said:
Aww, what the heck, I think I'll buy it. :blob7: I liked its MOJO :toothy11:

There you go. Merry Christmas to you, eh? <grin>
Merry Christmas to you too :occasion14:
Now I have to work on my new year-promise(or what you call it), to get off my ass, start working, and get 'nuff dough to get me a Warmoth :blob7:
The nice thing about Warmoths is you can nickel-dime them to life. Buy a neck one month, then a body a month or two later, and gradually collect up hardware until you have everything you need to turn it into a thing of beauty. It's easier than trying to come up with $900-$1,500 all at once, and you end up with something you couldn't have bought anywhere for twice the price.
Cagey said:
The nice thing about Warmoths is you can nickel-dime them to life. Buy a neck one month, then a body a month or two later, and gradually collect up hardware until you have everything you need to turn it into a thing of beauty. It's easier than trying to come up with $900-$1,500 all at once, and you end up with something you couldn't have bought anywhere for twice the price.
But, as you know from other discussions :icon_tongue:, I live in Norway, and it costs a shiteload to import stuff(and the transport-fees are added to the math, before you add the percentage for import), so it's generally best to do it in one big order. BUT, I've found a few good sites that I can buy parts from, so it may be possible to do it the way you suggest. :party07:
I would need to see a couple pics of the guitar to determine if it's an American model. A full shot of the whole thing, closeup on the headstock, and a good shot of the neckplate would be very helpful. Does it look like this one?

Disco Scottie said:
I would need to see a couple pics of the guitar to determine if it's an American model. A full shot of the whole thing, closeup on the headstock, and a good shot of the neckplate would be very helpful. Does it look like this one?

It does, but I checked it out, it's Korean :icon_tongue:

At least, it has SD-pups and OFR, not Schaller stuff.
The Norwegian Guy said:
Don't buy it - save the money - build yourself a warmoth instead
Eeehhehheh, I bought it. It just felt so right in my hands :toothy11:

Don't worry that I won't get a Warmoth because of that, though, this is bought with another pot of money that I usually don't have access to, so it doesn't use up my Warmoth-money :icon_thumright:
Big V - AKA "The other guy from Norway" said:
On the price-matter, it was second hand, and the guy said that he didn't win any money on it, but it was important for him to get it played by a guitarist again.

Yeah Right
380 is a lot for a Korean Kramer... this would typically be priced around 125 - 150 in a pawnshop...
The Norwegian Guy said:
You get a nice showcase body for 380!
The resale value of the kramer is pretty low in norway.
I do know that, but I liked the guitar, and that is what counts, anyhow:
Big V - AKA "The other guy from Norway" said:
The Norwegian Guy said:
Don't buy it - save the money - build yourself a warmoth instead
Don't worry that I won't get a Warmoth because of that, though, this is bought with another pot of money that I usually don't have access to, so it doesn't use up my Warmoth-money :icon_thumright:
I can still get me a Warmoth within 2 years, bit for bit :confused4:
Anyways, my mother remembered that it was Christmas :toothy12: (it's so hard here in Spain... THERE IS NO SNOW!!! *even I had forgotten*)
Anyways, i'll get it on monday, and I'll play it happily and satisfied. I'll soon feed my lust with a Warmoth, though, count on it :icon_thumright:
Märkeaux said:
Big V - AKA "The other guy from Norway" said:
On the price-matter, it was second hand, and the guy said that he didn't win any money on it, but it was important for him to get it played by a guitarist again.

Yeah Right
380 is a lot for a Korean Kramer... this would typically be priced around 125 - 150 in a pawnshop...

Yeah, I think they were $250 NEW. But is he talking Euros, or Dollars?