Kill switch?


Junior Member
Is there some kind of.... metal bar (2 inches) that could be wired in a way so when it comes in contact with your finger, it kills the sound? Maybe an in/out of circuit switch too?

I do a lot of crazy experimental music, and I've always wanted some kind of kill switch...
I have used the 3 way toggle for this with my hamer. 2 vol, 1 tone, 3 way LP switch. put switch in middle position, turn down the vol all the way with one of the pickups and switch to the off pickup to kill the signal.

Would this help you?

By the way you have to check out Rob Chappers vids.  He's hilarious, and a great guitarist.
Yeah, $32 is kind of ridiculous. Thanks for the pointer though.

Here, fastforward (if you don't like the band, if you don't know the song, check it out) to 2:53 and check out what the lead guitar player is doing:
But yes. That is what I'm looking for. But I coulda sworn there was some kind of way to wire a piece of metal so that when you touch it it grounds your guitar signal... err something... I don't know...
On the Tele it would be difficult with that control layout, but on Ron Chapper's vid, he could've used the 3-way toggle as a kill switch by turning the pickup he wasn't using all the way down, like Brian suggested.
Ah, should've said this earlier.

I'm playing a Les Paul style guitar with the Master Volume, Master Tone layout. The three way switch is a no go.
I have a kill switch fitted on my guitars that also has a mini toggle switch next to it to select how the kill switch works.
One way kills the signal when you push down the kill button (standard), when you flip the mini toggle switch the signal is dead and restored when you hit the kill button.
So i guess its a kill switch with selector.

This gives me more stuff I can do and more ways to experiment.

In tech terms it is a momentary button that uses a mini toggle dpdt to select normaly open or normaly closed wiring for the momentary switch