I made some that nobody bought and they're just taking up space, but for a good cause it's no problem. Just pm me your address, I'm making one for Shane either tomorrow or Tues, and can mail it out to ya when I mail his.....Max (the artist formerly known as Mor Paul) said:Chrome's awesome. I don't want to seem like someone who came here just to get free stuff, though...
Although it would be most appreciated. Anything, even pots, switches, and wires would be appreciated.
Max (the artist formerly known as Mor Paul) said:???Floyd Rose? I don't remember saying anything about a floyd rose..
The only internal debate I was having about the bridge was between a 52-style 3 saddle bridge and a Keith Richards-esq 6 saddle bridge. (I chose the 3 saddle).
1 - Output jack
2 - 250K pots
1 - .050µF capacitor
1 - .001µF capacitor
1 - 3-way lever switch with black barrel-style knob
12" Non-shielded guitar circuit wire, 22AWG, white
24" Non-shielded guitar circuit wire, 22AWG, black
12" Shielded guitar circuit wire, 28AWG inner conductor, black
Max said:Okay. Just tell me how much you want for the stuff, and I'll see when I can get the money.
I've got a while anyways, I'm going to buy electronics last, since they aren't needed until the end.
Max said:Thanks tons!
Max said:*EDIT* A telecaster headstock decal would be awesome. vintage 50's style [$20 from http://decaljoe.com/Telecaster_Joe.htm (1950's, silver)
Max said:Pickguard screws would be awesome.
No tuners yet, but I've got someone going to sell some to me for $15.