Thanks for all the suggestions and compliments. Changed the chrome screws to black today and I like it better. Doesn't stick out as much. I think the screws might be what I don't like about it so I may look into another wood guard with no screws and glue or two way tape it on. May consider a black, white black pickguard. White just too white for me. Think part of the reason I am having trouble with the wood guard is it is thicker than plastic and makes the guitar look a little bulky. Other than that I am good with the look so I may consider other brownish plastic materials as well. Maybe a brown tort might work?
I think a few have hit the nail in the head mentioning that possibilities are endless and I may end up experimenting with a few different guards. I think part of the reason we do this is so it's never "done". May change the bridge, or pickups, or body, or neck, or whatever. Well, probably not the neck cause I really like it, lol.