
June Submissions - Guitar of the Month Contest (11 entries)

Although i am competing with my LP build, i think i'll vote for the bass..
I just love the motive why it was made in the first place, it very nicely defines what a "Custom" guitar is, made for a specific purpose and a specific owner to play.. 
All the guitars are great but I have to give it to Guitar #4: by Telenator its just innovative and truly custom ... it has my vote
Telenator said:
Updown said:
Seen something similar to the Bass, where there is a piece of wood 1& 1/2" thick curved, cut to the shape of the body,
that could be adjusted by sliding forward & backwards on the curved body & be locked into position, for best fitting.

I'd love to see that. Do you have a brand name or a link?

Sorry  :sad:  @Telenator can't remember where I saw this, but think, may-be this mob (Hohner) may have patterned it !!

To those interested…..Here is a very good link to 'Building the Ergonomic Guitar' … http://buildingtheergonomicguitar.com/2007/08/the-hohner-egs-electric-guitar.html

Images of Ergonomic Guitars ...  http://www.google.com.au/search?q=ERGONOMIC+GUITARS+pics&hl=en&client=safari&rls=en&prmd=ivns&source=lnms&tbm=isch&ei=ZM3tTdjkOoS-uwPfxZGiBg&sa=X&oi=mode_link&ct=mode&cd=2&ved=0CA8Q_AUoAQ&biw=1237&bih=706

Updown  :blob7:
Wow! That Hohner is cool! Never saw that before. I'll read up on it when I get a few minutes. Thanks!

how in the Sam H#$$ DO you expect ME to Vote with this MUCH  CANDY in the POT

FOR ^*&$%#B%&$&nn %r&$&#^n  %$&%^$&


I mean these are some $&%^$**% hard decisions (all congressman Wiener jokes aside) to make this month, who ever wins is going to have to buy a hat 4 sizes to big his head will swell so much.
I am a sucker for red metal flake and gold hardware.  Nice work cumberland!!!!!
I'm coming back around here more often.  The GOTM was just getting started when I went off on my track tangent.  It looks like I'm too late to enter something for this month, perhaps next month.  I hope 2 year old builds are not excluded.  :icon_thumright:
DocNrock said:
I'm coming back around here more often.  The GOTM was just getting started when I went off on my track tangent.  It looks like I'm too late to enter something for this month, perhaps next month.  I hope 2 year old builds are not excluded.   :icon_thumright:
I don't think there's a rule on the age of the guitar, but next month will be owner finished...It alternates every other month...
DocNrock said:
I'm coming back around here more often.  The GOTM was just getting started when I went off on my track tangent.  It looks like I'm too late to enter something for this month, perhaps next month.  I hope 2 year old builds are not excluded.   :icon_thumright:

I have yet to see an age limit.  :occasion14:
actually, a month for significantly older W's would be cool, just for a chance to see some earlier work.
DMRACO said:
I am a sucker for red metal flake and gold hardware.  Nice work cumberland!!!!!

+10 not for the gold, but for the Khaler!

Love the color too...


Death by Uberschall said:
DocNrock said:
I'm coming back around here more often.  The GOTM was just getting started when I went off on my track tangent.  It looks like I'm too late to enter something for this month, perhaps next month.  I hope 2 year old builds are not excluded.   :icon_thumright:

I have yet to see an age limit.  :occasion14:

Marko even entered one he doesn't own anymore.  :icon_jokercolor: