I've picked up a used Jazzmaster body. Firstly is has an extra hole drilled in it for a switch so that leaves me with the option of using a pick up config with a coil tap switch or I guess I could fit a scratchplate if I didn't want the switch (I guess I could also fit a switch and not use it.
However, as it was quite cheap, I thought it would be an opportunity for a DIY finish. I'm in the UK and am a bit split between trying a nitro finish or trying Wudtone.
The body is Alder, do you think the grain would show through a transparent finish or should I go solid?
However, as it was quite cheap, I thought it would be an opportunity for a DIY finish. I'm in the UK and am a bit split between trying a nitro finish or trying Wudtone.
The body is Alder, do you think the grain would show through a transparent finish or should I go solid?