
I've been following this really closely but I've been reluctant to comment because I want to avoid more pointless arguments (you know what I mean). It is huge news and really forces Americans, at least, to rethink the image they've been fed of Iran for the past 30 years - it's a really interesting country, and lots of very educated people there. I have very fond memories of Iranian people's kindness back when I was a poor and friendless new arrival in Japan, - long story - , and always thought it was a shame that the political situation was so nasty. So I'm following along for sure.
Obama recently revealed that the CIA and British equivalent overthrew Iran's elected leader in the 50s because he wanted to nationalize the oil industry in Iran.  No foreign companies profitting off of their oil in others words.  May be old news to some, new news to others, and made up to a few, but intersting nonetheless.  More insight into why some parts of the world hate the West.
Old news, to anyone who reads up on the real history of the world.... if you wanna know why the Latin Americans hate us, google up "United Fruit" and "John Foster Dulles" and "assassination". The United States Marines have invaded South and Central American countries an even 100 times since 1898, usually to protect American profits - we've overthrown at least half-a-dozen elected governments down there. Did you know Lincoln hated blacks? Did you know Roosevelt brought in the New Deal because the country was on the verge of armed revolution? Did you know we've now killed over a million Iraqis, none of whom had anything to do with 9/11? It's all there in the books, and not wild-eyed crazy ones - but you won't get in in high school civics. The gist of it is, American leaders are mere people too. Somebody oughta keep a closer eye on them...
Get it right.

The reason Iran and the rest of the hardline raghead groups hate the USA isn't because of the CIA, FBI, [insert nutty conspiracy theory here], etc...

It's because said hatred is found at the very core of their religion:  The Koran.

And we are the most powerful "infidel" nation in the world.

“America is the great Satan, the wounded snake.” Ayatollah Khomeini
But in 1953, we still deposed the democratically-elected Prime Minister, Mohammad Mosaddeq, and installed our puppet leader, the Shah of Iran, in exchange for cheap(er) oil. The Shah of Iran had brown bears trained to rape women - if you spoke against him, your whole family disappeared into his prisons. The people didn't like the Shah, and they didn't like us for imposing him upon them.
"Get it right" -
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
Obama recently revealed that the CIA and British equivalent overthrew Iran's elected leader in the 50s because he wanted to nationalize the oil industry in Iran.  No foreign companies profitting off of their oil in others words.  May be old news to some, new news to others, and made up to a few, but intersting nonetheless.  More insight into why some parts of the world hate the West.

He said this in his Cairo speech.  But it was already out there, like Stubhead said.
Along the lines of Tim's post, I am no expert on history and nationalism in Iran by any means, but from what I do know, there is really interesting precedent for protest in Iran. Filmmakers have been producing politically-charged movies for decades, both before and after the Islamic revolution. Those political angles are prohibited, but filmmakers have bypassed those laws through subtle (and sometimes not-so-subtle) use of symbolism and the like. When the films were shown, the are 'safe' and 'tame' enough to remain legal - usually - but still get the point across.
If anyone thinks this isn't totally boring, check out the director Mohsen Makhmalbaf.


As for the Koran... nowhere is the United States ever mentioned (obviously); said hatred comes from certain folks' interpretations of certain verses. Other Muslims interpret these verses differently - just like discussions over interpretation of Biblical passages in the US.

I'm with you Superlizard to the extent that I take issue with hatred and violence, especially when justified by supposed religious law. I feel the same way about Jihadists as I do about members of the Christian right in the US who encourage hate, moral superiority, strict separatism.

My point is, if blame must be placed, place blame on the individuals, the actors. Not the Koran (nor the Bible, but that is a whole different conversation!)
can't it be a little bit of both?

just imagine if some other government helped over throw our government and installed a dictator.

what if we already distrusted this other government for various reasons, including religious reasons - - wouldn't this just confirm that these enemies of ours are evil?

you know what they say about good intentions...

Word today is the government went at the protesters in a big way: from guns to axes.  Reportedly confiscating the dead from hospitals and not allowing names to be taken so family can be informed.  Also reports that an arrested protester has now turned up dead.
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
DocNrock said:
He said this in his Cairo speech.  But it was already out there, like Stubhead said.

It's one thing to have it "out there," but an actual acknowledgement from The President?  That's what I found interesting.

Yup.  The most interesting thing now is that this has been growing momentum, yet now it is hard to find on the huffingtonpost site.  Huff post just had the blogger ask Obama a question from an Iranian yesterday.  Hmmmm.