
In Ear Monitors (wireless)

Funny about this thread, last weekend I met a guy that works for a company that sells custom molded in ear monitors. They sell custom monitors for a lot of big name stars, Ozzy was the big one that comes to mind. But they make a mold of your ear, and you pick out the type of components you want in them. Most of their components were Sure, I think his prices started at like $250 and went up to like $750. I'll see if I can get in touch with him..
We got snubbed out of an opening gig the day of the gig a while back because the swinging D that we were opening for didn't want to do another sound check after he got his monitor levels set.  He now has in ears and I'm no longer a fan of his.  Enough about my disdain.  I saw the pics of him getting his molds made.  While they're setting, your jaw must remain open in the singing postion.