I'm sorry!

I never realized the Chantays were a gay band, and amongst gay bands the absolute worst at syncing EVER....
I have always said those vintage guitars are special but this is absolute proof.  Did you notice how loud those guitars were and they were not even plugged in.  And the reverb coming of those guitars acoustically was incredible.  No wonder the vintage guitar market continues to climb!  :laughing8:
haha i love that song.  one of my favorites to play.  surf guitar rocks.
man those guys were dorks. 
nathan a said:
That was just plain silly.
Mr. Welks' house band seems to agree with you.  :laughing7:
Tonar8353 said:
I have always said those vintage guitars are special but this is absolute proof.  Did you notice how loud those guitars were and they were not even plugged in.  And the reverb coming of those guitars acoustically was incredible.  No wonder the vintage guitar market continues to climb!  :laughing8:
My drummer wants one of those invisible kick drum pedals too :toothy12:
SlingBass said:
Wunnerful, wunnerful, wunnerful... :laughing7:
Absolutely :help: