If you start a thread...


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If you start a thread to ask a question or for advice or some other reason you will tend to find you will get a number of answers.

It would be great if the thread starter could actually reply to their own thread to close the loop or even thank the people who responded.

Thanks for reading and bearing it in my mind.
Agreed. At the very least it is courteous to acknowledge that you’ve received responses to your post. Even better is to follow up with confirmation of what did and didn’t actually help.
-VB- said:
Agreed. At the very least it is courteous to acknowledge that you’ve received responses to your post. Even better is to follow up with confirmation of what did and didn’t actually help.


Follow-ups are good especially if it is something that is new ground in some way.

It is not just this forum its all over the internet. Folks start a thread, go off and do something promising to report back and then nothing. Lots of potential info then never emerges.

Logrinn said:
Good advice, Stratamania.
Should be fairly obvious really. Shouldn't it?

I believe so, its just good form really.
TonyFlyingSquirrel said:
stratamania said:
TonyFlyingSquirrel said:
The Line 6 website has such a function, works quite well.

What kind of function Tony?

Closes the thread once "best answer" is noted and marked on the post within the thread.

OK that makes sense. Then I suppose somebody would have to mark it.
I'm not sure that's such a great idea. There is usually more than one way to do something, and sometimes combining techniques results in a better resolution than any one thing would, or inspires a new technique. Also, there can be questions or clarifications needed. Close the thread at the first solution, and you lose all that. Besides, leaving a thread open even after its original purpose has been served allows for the addition of related anecdotes, observations, or simple conversation on or around the subject and contributes to the community atmosphere.
Cagey, that is also a good point too.

I suppose my original intent with this thread was more to point out if you ask a question and folks answer it at least that the OP who asked the question bothers to acknowledge that he has at least seen it.
I think it basically means, people should post some follows up on results, or what he has done, not only on what he/she may be followed, also the results can have variations on different situations and skills, so others can learn too.
My snide comments aside, I completely agree.  Learning and communication is a two way street.  I know that I very much appreciate it if an OP posts the results of a suggestion that I made, either good or bad.  That way everyone learns.
I agree with Cagey, a combination of techniques is the best solution. You should have the ability to mark a thread as answered and a post within it to be best answer but still retain the ability to comment in it.
I think that a quick look at Line 6's website will provide some nice inspiration.  Some of these features are in use there, and they are very helpful when searching for topics for specific answers.