Jusatele said:1. I expect a guitar to be setup and not needing an intonation when it is delivered to me, I will not accept it any other way=CB= said:Jusatele said:yes spyder, but when gibson is asking 3500 for a LP you would expect the setup to be perfect
1. No manufacturer can do a perfect setup - since there is no definition of perfect setup - and more so, because of the environmental changes that are going to take place between factory, warehouse, shipping, another warehouse, display, and you finally purchasing it. Don't blame the factories for that.
2. If you buy from a small shop - many times you'll get the service along with the purchase. If you buy from the buck-over-minimum-wage emozit at the big box place, or buy on-line, don't expect the service.
3. Setting up a guitar should be within the scope of skills of every guitar player
4. There are EXCELLENT online dealers, who provide a price well well below the "online" big box stores - which are held to "minimum advertised pricing" as a way to stifle competition and keep profits up. All the big boxes guarantee the lowest price. Read the fine print - "advertised price". Ever wonder why they're all pretty much the same "lowest price". Thats why. There is one Gibson dealer I know of, who is the #2 volume dealer for Gibson, and he does not have a big splashy website, just a small webpage that asks you to call for pricing. Amazingly.... it works for him, because he has great online, and phone service.
5. If you buy a guitar and its really bad, send it back.
2. another reason to buy from shops that do appreciate your business and not mega stores trying to force you to accept shite for service\
3. That is the most rediculous thing I have ever heard, so should we also be required to be able to carve a new nut or solder in new pups?
4.Unfortunately most of the big boxed corporate stores do notoffer service
5.I have, numerous times over such as it was not even intoned and they would not pay to have that done.
a fool and his money is soon parted, and they are trying to make you part with it easier all the time. Buying from a place that treats you like shite instead of the guy who bends over backwards for your business is asking to be ripped off.
Your answer is ridiculous. Carving a new nut, or soldering in new pickups are not part of a setup. A setup is the basic adjustment of the instrument. Its outlined right there in the instruction books, and on-line, and in many other books available about guitars. Adjusting the bridge and truss rod are not rocket surgery, and I still believe that if you know enough to say "this setup is bad", then you ought to know enough to correct the situation. There is no magic involved, no voodoo, and no blood sacrifices (except maybe if you prick yer little finger with a string end). There are folks who can not do basic things. I know lady who rented a house, and she literally cannot change a light bulb on her own. She pays an electrician to come in every few months to fix all her electric problems. Easy money. There's the fool and his money scenario.