
I wanted a Warmoth, I will take a gibson?

Although the Gibson is less expensive, you are getting a low quality cheap guitar. The frets & fretwork will be awful....guaranteed. The finish will most likely be sub par & the wood will be bottom of the barrell. The only thing going for it will be it's resale value & the Gibson logo. You will have a low quality guitar if you buy a Gibson, & if you want it to play better, you will have to refret it, which will cost you more money.

Now, if you want a guitar that is premium quality that you'll play forever, then Warmoth is the only choice. You won't be able to sell it for much later, but it will blow the Gibson away many times over in EVERY respect.
You know what, go for the Gibson.  Some things in life you just have to try for yourself.

My Advice is to try every one you can and get the best playing one - independent of price. 

Go for it.
What Mayfly said.

If you feel a Gibson is the better option for you, go for it. Asking a forum full of custom builders whether you should go with a custom guitar is unlikely to get you an unbiased response. Also it seems like your question has more to do with what's cheapest.
Sounds like you were looking for one of the "entry level" Gibson SG's price-wise, you can't touch those in price doing a Warmoth build.

You might want to look at picking one up from eBay for even less $$$, you can always upgrade one of these:


...with better pickups, as far as the body/neck wood goes it's not any different from the 910 Euro model you're referencing.
instead of the Gibson. get a PRS, I mean if you want a quality guitar prebuilt you do not want to buy a Gibson, they suck, I woud put any Fender up against a Gibson
Gibson quality is a fuggin' joke - and even if you spent the clams to get a quality one, the price is gonna be a fuggin' joke.

22 years ago, I fell for the Gibson "mystique".  What I wound up with was a Norlin-era hunk of dead wood (LP Custom).

Refuse to spend your $$$ on over-priced, low-quality junk guitars with a brand name (and other gear). 

If enough people did so instead of buying with their "d*ck" or because a bunch of twit fanboys slobber on and on
about a poor-quality brand name, we wouldn't have to worry as much about getting our money's worth.  Companies
like Gibson rely on these dumbskis to keep 'em in business, keep costs down (to the point of throwing QC out
the window and using junky parts) and to spread the "good" word so other suckas get lured in.

That goes for other brand names as well - take Marshall for ex. - I love the Marshall tone, but I wouldn't be caught
dead with one of their new amps, and if I went the old school PTP route with one of their new hand-wired models, I'd
be paying through the nose.

Ultimately, we control the market by the purchase decisions that we make; not the companies.  Get enough
stupid people shelling out thousands for subpar crap just because of the brand name, and next thing you know the
companies have us all by the balls...
On The Gear Page, I was actually given crap for saying I felt gibsons were not worth the price... for basically saying what hundreds if not thousands of people say.

I was told that "Hey, Gibson employee's read this forum too, did you ever stop to think what your ignorant words could make them feel like"

Bruno, PLEASE buy a gibson!

You know why?

then there won't be any warmoth-wood wasted on you. if you even doubt about buying a warmoth, then just don't. you're talking about gibson customshop Plus quality here, in all aspects.
^On the flipside... Warmoth is not the second coming. its just a great guitar parts company. we all know they rule... but that doesn't mean they're the right choice for every guitar/ guitarist.

though given this exact situation. If I greatly desired a high end SG style guitar... I'd go LTD Viper.


Something just feels off on Warmoth SG's. Aesthetically speaking.

Bruno said:
I live in Italy.
If I buy from the USA I have to pay VAT and duty (about 25%) .
So a gibson SG standard coast 920euro, a  Warmoth replica 1100euro (as a minimum...).
But in addition, I have to assemble it (or pay a luthier to do it..).

Do you understand now why it is more convenient a Gibson SG for me?
920euro vs 1100euro...

sure I get you,
but the point of warmoth is to make a custom guitar. Having the guitar made the way you want it is the purpose of Warmoth. If your not bothered about that and are looking for the cheaper of the 2 then Gibson would be the way to go. Another other big difference between warmoths and gibsons is warmoths have bolt on necks, where as gibsons necks are glued in. Personally, if your going to attempt to make a warmoth exactly like a gibson, right down to the same parts, finish and everything as the gibson that personally seems silly since you could do it for cheaper just buying a gibson... however in my situtation...

I want my warmoth strat to be like a fender strat... so why do I bother going warmoth? I's because I have control of the product, it is mine and how i want it to look and sound. I choose everything, wood, finish, pickups, bridges, neck construction frets, you name it really... you can't do that with a gibson unless you mod it, but that is also more money spent.
On The Gear Page, I was actually given crap for saying I felt gibsons were not worth the price... for basically saying what hundreds if not thousands of people say.

I was told that "Hey, Gibson employee's read this forum too, did you ever stop to think what your ignorant words could make them feel like"


TGP is heavily populated with brand-name snobs, self-appointed "experts", and highly confused kids with little knowledge or experience. That's fine, as long as you know it on the going-in side. As with anything that you're interested in or feel strongly about, you need to perform some due diligence to make sure you're not simply being emotional about your position on a particular thing without regard to facts. Keeps you from looking like an idiot, if that's important to you. For many, it's not, so let the chips fall where they may.

As for how you respond to the concern for Gibson employee's sense of self-worth, you simply point out that it's not your responsibility, it's theirs. If they want to do a sub-standard job, they need to be prepared to be called on it. Again, their choice, not anyone else's. Choices have consequences. It's a fact of life that even wild animals have to deal with on a daily basis. Gibson employees don't get a pass simply because the company at one point or another in history they made a decent product for a reasonable price. That's no longer the case so it's up to them to either do something about it or eat it and smile.
For me a guitar has to inspire me to pick it up and play everyday. People can talk all day long about how it doesn't matter what a guitar looks like so long as it plays better than other guitars, but if it doesn't inspire you to play then what are you doing? If a Gibson is what's going to inspire you to play more because of the name on the headstock (because c'mon, a Gibson really does look great leaning up against your amp) then that's what you should get.

For me it's my pink W stratocaster.

I would probably get a Warmoth and put a Gibson logo on it so I could have playability AND the name on the headstock
The only reason I don't go Warmoth with my LPs is simply because they don't do set-neck gits (hence Agile 3000+).

I believe if'n you're doing a Paulfus, gotta be set-neck.  No if's and's or but's.

SGs are another story, though.  I think they can go either way.
As I always said I understand *little and bad* English - so something may escape myself -  personally I haven't ever talked about quality comparisons. I only said that, curiously from other brands and other models, the gibson SG standard **cost me**(ME) less than a Warmoth.
Prices are too low (for poor quality) gibson? Maybe
Warmoth too high for too much quality? Maybe
After all, I am the same who said the rasmus Suhr is a marketing mistake for Mr. JS, so now do not tell everyone to say *yes ok it costs more but are better*. Who ever said otherwise?
I've a warmoth guitar. But opinions are a thing, facts another
Bruno said:
Prices are too low (for poor quality) gibson? Maybe
Warmoth too high for too much quality? Maybe

I'm not sure that's what you meant to say, since it doesn't make sense and I'm sure you're smarter than that. The reason many people dismiss Gibson is that in general, the prices are too high for too low a quality. People will recommend Warmoth because the quality is high for a reasonable price. If you were able to find a Gibson of equal quality to a Warmoth, the Gibson would undoubtedly cost at least twice as much if not more. If you're finding a Gibson that costs less than a Warmoth, and I have no doubt that you can in the SG line, they are not equal guitars. The Gibson is going to be pitiful in comparison. Gibson is bad enough at quality control and pricing that they have serious trouble comparing to Korean imports that sell for 1/10 the price. Unless you're a US segregationalist with more money than brains, it's rarely a good idea to buy a Gibson. The only good reason to use one of their products, in my opinion, is to have them give them to you for free along with a generous fistful of dollars in return for public endorsement. But, then you're just a whore, which is nothing to be proud of.
Cagey said:
Bruno said:
Prices are too low (for poor quality) gibson? Maybe
Warmoth too high for too much quality? Maybe

I'm not sure that's what you meant to say, since it doesn't make sense and I'm sure you're smarter than that.

oh well, now the derision  :icon_thumright:
*I'm NOT sure you're smarted than that*, less opportunist (meno PARACULO)

I omit the rest, just by itself.
Ok my intervention in this 3d end here.
Bye bye
I think you're taking offense or sensing derision where none was meant or even implied. The language barrier may be too high. In any event, my apologies for whatever you think I said; I meant no ill will or intent.
I think it depends on what Gibson SG you're looking at. Some can sell for $400 USD, some can be upwards of $2500. But resale value is definitely something you have to strongly consider when you're looking at building a parts guitar. Especially one that's NOT a strat or telecaster shape. People love Warmoth's parts for upgrading a MIM Fender or even some USA built, but a Les Paul body won't sell to the same crowd.
I'd say Gibson is definitely earning its money as a "lifestyle brand" company. Just like Harley Davidson... you get to be cool because you have the name on your gear. But if that makes you happy, I have no problem with it.