Max said:
They've even got a page for it, Disco![]()
Bruno said:As I always said I understand *little and bad* English - so something may escape myself - personally I haven't ever talked about quality comparisons. I only said that, curiously from other brands and other models, the gibson SG standard **cost me**(ME) less than a Warmoth.
Prices are too low (for poor quality) gibson? Maybe
Warmoth too high for too much quality? Maybe
After all, I am the same who said the rasmus Suhr is a marketing mistake for Mr. JS, so now do not tell everyone to say *yes ok it costs more but are better*. Who ever said otherwise?
I've a warmoth guitar. But opinions are a thing, facts another
Bruno said:oh well, now the derision :icon_thumright:
*I'm NOT sure you're smarted than that*, less opportunist (meno PARACULO)
I omit the rest, just by itself.
Ok my intervention in this 3d end here.
Bye bye
less opportunist (meno PARACULO)
Doughboy said:Sometimes you have to touch the hot stove & get burned before you realize it's not a good idea...
Cagey said:I think what you say is true in general, but I also think the buying public is getting more savvy as time goes on. Years ago, you didn't have the choices you have today.
I think the times are changing faster than we thinkJaySwear said:Cagey said:I think what you say is true in general, but I also think the buying public is getting more savvy as time goes on. Years ago, you didn't have the choices you have today.
Both points are very true. Years ago if you wanted a guitar you'd travel to a store and it was guaranteed that whatever that store had in stock was going to be "the best value for your dollar." But with the internet being pretty objective it's easy to do your shopping without a salesman telling you what you NEED to buy. Plus there are more choices guitar-wise than there ever were, and tomorrow there will be more than there are today. Chances are if there are specific specs you're looking for you can find them somewhere from some company. If not there's Warmoth :icon_biggrin:
Jusatele said:yes spyder, but when gibson is asking 3500 for a LP you would expect the setup to be perfect
1. I expect a guitar to be setup and not needing an intonation when it is delivered to me, I will not accept it any other way=CB= said:Jusatele said:yes spyder, but when gibson is asking 3500 for a LP you would expect the setup to be perfect
1. No manufacturer can do a perfect setup - since there is no definition of perfect setup - and more so, because of the environmental changes that are going to take place between factory, warehouse, shipping, another warehouse, display, and you finally purchasing it. Don't blame the factories for that.
2. If you buy from a small shop - many times you'll get the service along with the purchase. If you buy from the buck-over-minimum-wage emozit at the big box place, or buy on-line, don't expect the service.
3. Setting up a guitar should be within the scope of skills of every guitar player
4. There are EXCELLENT online dealers, who provide a price well well below the "online" big box stores - which are held to "minimum advertised pricing" as a way to stifle competition and keep profits up. All the big boxes guarantee the lowest price. Read the fine print - "advertised price". Ever wonder why they're all pretty much the same "lowest price". Thats why. There is one Gibson dealer I know of, who is the #2 volume dealer for Gibson, and he does not have a big splashy website, just a small webpage that asks you to call for pricing. Amazingly.... it works for him, because he has great online, and phone service.
5. If you buy a guitar and its really bad, send it back.
Jusatele said:Case study is look at a CBS era Fender, the quality got so bad and sales were so bad they were bought back by employees who took years to get the reputation back. I mean 3 screw necks just to save the cost of 1 screw.
you forgot that they market the product so well that we will buy it because they make us want it. Just look at Harley Davivson, they get over 10 grand for motorcycles that are less than 60 horse power, handle like they were engineered in 1939, oh wait, they were, and break down once a week. while you can buy a Japeneese bike for 7 grand that has over 100 horses, has no mechanical issues and runs like a sewing machine. But then that is marketing. And Gibson markets those guitars the same way so they will sellswarfrat said:Quality control is about trends and statistics. If you have a guitar in the hand that you love, it doesn't really matter that the rest of the guitars in the bushes meet 6 sigma production goals or not. Yes Gibson is being run by boneheads. Yes their stuff is all over the place and over priced. But if you find THE guitar, and you feel it's a good price, by all means buy it.
And btw - here's how its going to go down. Gibson will eventually go under because its being run by boneheads, and makers of high priced toys do not fare well during tough times, especially if they're run by boneheads. The company will be sold. This will be yet another chapter. CBS. Norlin. Thomas Organ. etc... People will badmouth current era Gibson stuff while they buy it up. Wait for 20 years to pass and now all of a sudden WHAM - it will become respectable and collectible. Someone will still be selling Gibson branded products for a very long time. Even if it happens to be Ibanez or Hyundai for a couple years.